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[Merge] lp:~gary/juju-gui/favicon into lp:juju-gui


Gary Poster has proposed merging lp:~gary/juju-gui/favicon into lp:juju-gui.

Requested reviews:
  Juju GUI Hackers (juju-gui)

For more details, see:

Add favicon, tweak Makefile

Added the juju icon as a favicon, and then got lost in Makefile tweaks.  Makefile now does not do unnecessary work, and no longer hides commands with @ so that we can see when we reintroduce unnecessary work.  Also switch from a Makefile comment about the node_modules to a message generated by the Makefile; maybe this should cause the make to fail, so that we actually force this to be maintained?
Your team Juju GUI Hackers is requested to review the proposed merge of lp:~gary/juju-gui/favicon into lp:juju-gui.
=== modified file 'Makefile'
--- Makefile	2012-11-19 20:20:50 +0000
+++ Makefile	2012-11-20 04:41:21 +0000
@@ -1,16 +1,14 @@
 JSFILES=$(shell bzr ls -RV -k file | grep -E -e '.+\.js(on)?$$|generateTemplates$$' | grep -Ev -e '^manifest\.json$$' -e '^test/assets/' -e '^app/assets/javascripts/reconnecting-websocket.js$$' -e '^server.js$$')
-# After a successful "make" run, the NODE_TARGETS list can be regenerated with
-# this command (and then manually pasted in here):
-# find node_modules -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d -printf 'node_modules/%f '
-NODE_TARGETS=node_modules/minimatch node_modules/cryptojs \
-	node_modules/yuidocjs node_modules/chai node_modules/less \
-	node_modules/.bin node_modules/node-markdown node_modules/rimraf \
-	node_modules/mocha node_modules/d3 node_modules/graceful-fs \
-	node_modules/should node_modules/jshint node_modules/expect.js \
-	node_modules/express node_modules/yui node_modules/yuidoc \
-	node_modules/grunt node_modules/node-spritesheet \
-	node_modules/node-minify
+NODE_TARGETS=node_modules/chai node_modules/cryptojs node_modules/d3 \
+	node_modules/expect.js node_modules/express node_modules/graceful-fs \
+	node_modules/grunt node_modules/jshint node_modules/less \
+	node_modules/minimatch node_modules/mocha node_modules/node-markdown \
+	node_modules/node-minify node_modules/node-spritesheet \
+	node_modules/rimraf node_modules/should node_modules/yui \
+	node_modules/yuidocjs
+EXPECTED_NODE_TARGETS=$(shell echo "$(NODE_TARGETS)" | tr ' ' '\n' | sort | tr '\n' ' ')
 TEMPLATE_TARGETS=$(shell bzr ls -k file app/templates)
 SPRITE_SOURCE_FILES=$(shell bzr ls -R -k file app/assets/images)
@@ -26,92 +24,139 @@
 all: build
 build/juju-ui/templates.js: $(TEMPLATE_TARGETS) bin/generateTemplates
-	@test -d "$(BUILD_ASSETS_DIR)/stylesheets" || mkdir -p "$(BUILD_ASSETS_DIR)/stylesheets"
-	@./bin/generateTemplates
+	test -d "$(BUILD_ASSETS_DIR)/stylesheets" || mkdir -p "$(BUILD_ASSETS_DIR)/stylesheets"
+	./bin/generateTemplates
 yuidoc/index.html: node_modules/yuidocjs $(JSFILES)
-	@node_modules/.bin/yuidoc -o yuidoc -x assets app
+	node_modules/.bin/yuidoc -o yuidoc -x assets app
 yuidoc: yuidoc/index.html
 $(SPRITE_GENERATED_FILES): node_modules/grunt node_modules/node-spritesheet $(SPRITE_SOURCE_FILES)
-	@node_modules/grunt/bin/grunt spritegen
+	node_modules/grunt/bin/grunt spritegen
 $(NODE_TARGETS): package.json
-	@npm install
-	@#link depends
-	@ln -sf `pwd`/node_modules/yui ./app/assets/javascripts/
-	@ln -sf `pwd`/node_modules/d3/d3.v2* ./app/assets/javascripts/
+	npm install
+	# Keep all targets up to date, not just new/changed ones.
+	for dirname in $(NODE_TARGETS); do touch $$dirname ; done
+	@# Check to see if we made what we expected to make, and warn if we did not.
+	@FOUND_TARGETS=$$(find node_modules -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d \
+	-printf 'node_modules/%f ' | tr ' ' '\n' | grep -Ev '\.bin$$' \
+	| sort | tr '\n' ' '); \
+	if [ "$$FOUND_TARGETS" != "$(EXPECTED_NODE_TARGETS)" ]; then \
+	echo; \
+	echo "******************************************************************"; \
+	echo "******************************************************************"; \
+	echo "******************************************************************"; \
+	echo "******************************************************************"; \
+	echo "******************************************************************"; \
+	echo "******************************************************************"; \
+	echo "******************************************************************"; \
+	echo "******************************************************************"; \
+	echo; \
+	echo "Change it to the following."; \
+	echo; \
+	echo $$FOUND_TARGETS; \
+	fi
+app/assets/javascripts/yui: node_modules/yui
+	ln -sf `pwd`/node_modules/yui ./app/assets/javascripts/
+node_modules/d3/d3.v2.js node_modules/d3/d3.v2.min.js: node_modules/d3
+app/assets/javascripts/d3.v2.js: node_modules/d3/d3.v2.js
+	ln -sf `pwd`/node_modules/d3/d3.v2.js ./app/assets/javascripts/d3.v2.js
+app/assets/javascripts/d3.v2.min.js: node_modules/d3/d3.v2.min.js
+	ln -sf `pwd`/node_modules/d3/d3.v2.min.js ./app/assets/javascripts/d3.v2.min.js
+javascript_libraries: app/assets/javascripts/yui \
+	app/assets/javascripts/d3.v2.js app/assets/javascripts/d3.v2.min.js
 gjslint: virtualenv/bin/gjslint
-	@virtualenv/bin/gjslint --strict --nojsdoc --jslint_error=all \
+	virtualenv/bin/gjslint --strict --nojsdoc --jslint_error=all \
 	    --custom_jsdoc_tags module,main,class,method,event,property,attribute,submodule,namespace,extends,config,constructor,static,final,readOnly,writeOnce,optional,required,param,return,for,type,private,protected,requires,default,uses,example,chainable,deprecated,since,async,beta,bubbles,extension,extensionfor,extension_for \
 jshint: node_modules/jshint
-	@node_modules/jshint/bin/hint $(JSFILES)
+	node_modules/jshint/bin/hint $(JSFILES)
 yuidoc-lint: $(JSFILES)
-	@bin/lint-yuidoc
+	bin/lint-yuidoc
 lint: gjslint jshint yuidoc-lint
 virtualenv/bin/gjslint virtualenv/bin/fixjsstyle:
-	@virtualenv virtualenv
-	@virtualenv/bin/easy_install archives/closure_linter-latest.tar.gz
+	virtualenv virtualenv
+	virtualenv/bin/easy_install archives/closure_linter-latest.tar.gz
 beautify: virtualenv/bin/fixjsstyle
-	@virtualenv/bin/fixjsstyle --strict --nojsdoc --jslint_error=all $(JSFILES)
+	virtualenv/bin/fixjsstyle --strict --nojsdoc --jslint_error=all $(JSFILES)
 $(PRODUCTION_FILES): node_modules/yui node_modules/d3/d3.v2.min.js $(JSFILES) ./bin/merge-files
-	@test -d "$(BUILD_ASSETS_DIR)/stylesheets" || mkdir -p "$(BUILD_ASSETS_DIR)/stylesheets"
-	@./bin/merge-files
-	@cp app/modules.js $(BUILD_ASSETS_DIR)/modules.js
-	@cp app/config.js $(BUILD_ASSETS_DIR)/config.js
+	test -d "$(BUILD_ASSETS_DIR)/stylesheets" || mkdir -p "$(BUILD_ASSETS_DIR)/stylesheets"
+	./bin/merge-files
+	cp app/modules.js $(BUILD_ASSETS_DIR)/modules.js
+	cp app/config.js $(BUILD_ASSETS_DIR)/config.js
 combinejs: $(PRODUCTION_FILES)
 prep: beautify lint
 test: build
-	@./test-server.sh
+	./test-server.sh
 debug: build
 	@echo "Customize config.js to modify server settings"
-	@node server.js
+	node server.js
 server: build
 	@echo "Runnning the application from a SimpleHTTPServer"
-	@cd build && python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8888
+	cd build && python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8888
-	@rm -rf node_modules virtualenv
-	@make -C docs clean
-	@rm -Rf build/
-build: appcache $(NODE_TARGETS) build/juju-ui/templates.js yuidoc spritegen combinejs
-	@cp -f app/index.html build/
-	@cp -rf app/assets/images $(BUILD_ASSETS_DIR)/images
-	@cp -rf app/assets/svgs $(BUILD_ASSETS_DIR)/svgs
+	rm -rf node_modules virtualenv
+	make -C docs clean
+	rm -Rf build/
+build/index.html: app/index.html
+	cp -f app/index.html build/
+build/favicon.ico: app/favicon.ico
+	cp -f app/favicon.ico build/
+	cp -rf app/assets/images $(BUILD_ASSETS_DIR)/images
+$(BUILD_ASSETS_DIR)/svgs: $(shell bzr ls -R -k file app/assets/svgs)
+	cp -rf app/assets/svgs $(BUILD_ASSETS_DIR)/svgs
+build_images: build/favicon.ico $(BUILD_ASSETS_DIR)/images \
+build: appcache $(NODE_TARGETS) javascript_libraries \
+	build/juju-ui/templates.js yuidoc spritegen \
+	combinejs build/index.html build_images
 $(APPCACHE): manifest.appcache.in
-	@test -d "build/juju-ui/assets" || mkdir -p "build/juju-ui/assets"
-	@cp manifest.appcache.in $(APPCACHE)
-	@sed -re 's/^\# TIMESTAMP .+$$/\# TIMESTAMP $(DATE)/' -i $(APPCACHE)
+	test -d "build/juju-ui/assets" || mkdir -p "build/juju-ui/assets"
+	cp manifest.appcache.in $(APPCACHE)
+	sed -re 's/^\# TIMESTAMP .+$$/\# TIMESTAMP $(DATE)/' -i $(APPCACHE)
 appcache: $(APPCACHE)
 # A target used only for forcibly updating the appcache.
-	@touch manifest.appcache.in
+	touch manifest.appcache.in
 # This is the real target.  appcache-touch needs to be executed before
 # appcache, and this provides the correct order.
 appcache-force: appcache-touch appcache
-.PHONY: test lint beautify server build clean prep jshint gjslint \
+.PHONY: test lint beautify server clean build_images prep jshint gjslint \
 	appcache appcache-touch appcache-force yuidoc spritegen yuidoc-lint \
-	combinejs
+	combinejs javascript_libraries

=== added file 'app/favicon.ico'
Binary files app/favicon.ico	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 and app/favicon.ico	2012-11-20 04:41:21 +0000 differ

Follow ups