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Message #04875
Re: Zim 0.72.0 released
Interesting to compare notes.
I work with Jekyll and markdown too to generate static sites, with
Github as the main collaboration platform. I use Typora as desktop
WYSIWYG editor (https://typora.io/) and sometimes try things with Zettlr
to organise writing (https://zettlr.com/) because it integrates nicely
with Zotero for references and is more of wiki with a focus on
(academic) writing.
However, Zim still is my notebook tool (and maybe a "rough draft/outline
tool", but not my "document production tool") because it:
- has integrated journaling and task management to keep a log and track
follow-up actions
- works really well for me to keep notes and files together
- offers quick keyboard navigation for note-keeping.
There's an example of how you can do static site generation from Zim
sources on Gitlab
It's probably possible to do that with the new Github Actions too, to
make the workflow for publishing/updating a notebook a simple "git push".
With the Version plugin in Zim, saving a version to git is a simple
ctrl-shift-s away, or you can let is save versions automatically.
My content-keeping evolves as well, I'd say Zim is still an important
part of the ecosystem :-)
PS: there is also https://www.authorea.com as a sort of "Github for
writing" but it doesn't have a desktop version for offline use. It lets
you mix Latex, markdown, html, keep data files with the article, and has
several academic publishing workflow features.
On 04/09/2019 20:31, sreekar guddeti wrote:
> Dear Shivam,
> My motivation to migrate from Zim to Jekyll
> <https://github.com/jekyll/jekyll> actually involved a cascade of
> events primarily starting from a desire to version control my PhD
> thesis. As a result I fleeted along various tools like GitHub
> <https://github.com/> (for versioning content), markdown
> <https://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/syntax#philosophy> (for
> structuring content), Atom <https://atom.io/> (for editing content)
> and Jekyll (for viewing content). The GCD (upside) of these tools
> turned out to be *seamless platform (desktop/web) agnostic
> content-keeping*. The LCM (downside) is the larger footprint compared
> to the much leaner Zim. Since Zim restrains itself by being a *desktop
> wiki*, I was more convinced to make the migration after reading this
> <https://github.com/zim-desktop-wiki/zim-desktop-wiki/issues/26> that
> Zim lacks markdown support. After reading this
> <https://v4.chriskrycho.com/2015/academic-markdown-and-citations.html>
> post on an academic writing workflow using markdown with the support
> of Pandoc <https://pandoc.org/> (for interdocument conversion), I
> started the migration. Jekyll is only a part of the process.
> Notwithstanding my perceived limitations of Zim, as a testimony, I
> would like to share that Zim helped me learn a lot about web tools
> (like wiki functioning, html, thrill of creating your own site with
> fivethirtyeight theme :D (I still use it for my site
> <https://baalkikhaal.github.io/>)), content-keeping (like interlinking
> notebooks), API usage (my first serious foray into reading source
> codes was through Zim. I managed to extend Zim's functionality, along
> with some web scraping Python modules, to setup up a Mendeley like
> interface of many-to-many mappings between Authors, Titles and Years :D).
> On a philosophical note, *Zim is but a bead in the process of
> evolution of content-keeping*. It is neither the beginning nor the
> end. Its a long way to go where the GCD equals the LCM (the ultimate
> non duality) ;).
> PS: I will check out the aforementioned tools -- Nikola, org-mode.
> sincerely yours,
> On Wed, Sep 4, 2019 at 8:49 PM Chuck Esterbrook
> <chuck.esterbrook@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:chuck.esterbrook@xxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
> Hi Shivam,
> What the "something better than Zim" look like? Just curious.
> -Chuck
> --
> Sreekar Guddeti,
> Spintronics and Thin Film Magnetism Lab,
> Physics Department,
> IISc Bangalore,
> India.
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