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Re: Testing DHIS2 - Problem while retrieving data



I have had this problem in the past. The following helped:

1) Go to Maintenance -> Organisation Unit

2) Select Organisation Unit Level

3) You will  see you Levels (1, 2, 3 etc) and Level Name (Level 1, Level 2 etc)

4) Change the level names to either 1,2, 3 etc or National, Province, District etc

5) Rerun Analytics

These steps have helped to deal with this issue in the past. Hope you find it useful.

Best regards,


On 9 Dec 2013, at 10:39, Ilias Dine <ilias.dine@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> No. There is nothing showing up. A look at the log gives this error message while attempting to display reports:
> * INFO  2013-12-09 13:27:52,808 Query failed, likely because the requested analytics table does not exist (JdbcAnalyticsManager.java [SimpleAsyncTaskExecutor-2])
> org.springframework.jdbc.BadSqlGrammarException: StatementCallback; bad SQL grammar [select "de","daily","uidlevel1", sum(value) as value from analytics_2013 where "de" in ('LXRTj3PA8JB') and "daily" in ('20131207') and "uidlevel1" in ('Jgk0dC2ysx1') group by "de","daily","uidlevel1"]; nested exception is org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: column « uidlevel1 » doesn't exist
> Seems like the problem is still with analytics_2013. At first, before running analytics, the error were no analytics_2013 table. Now it is with uidlevel1 column.
> Below is the description of the analytics_2013 table under my postgres database:
> dhis2=> \d analytics_2013
>            Table "public.analytics_2013"
>      Column     |         Type          | Modifiers 
> ----------------+-----------------------+-----------
>  daily          | character varying(10) | 
>  weekly         | character varying(10) | 
>  monthly        | character varying(10) | 
>  bimonthly      | character varying(10) | 
>  quarterly      | character varying(10) | 
>  sixmonthly     | character varying(10) | 
>  yearly         | character varying(10) | 
>  financialapril | character varying(10) | 
>  financialjuly  | character varying(10) | 
>  financialoct   | character varying(10) | 
>  de             | character(11)         | not null
>  co             | character(11)         | not null
>  level          | integer               | 
>  daysxvalue     | double precision      | 
>  daysno         | integer               | not null
>  value          | double precision      | 
> Indexes:
>     "in_co_analytics_temp_2013_funkwriazlc" btree (co)
>     "in_de_analytics_temp_2013_d5ld7ghglkc" btree (de)
>     "in_level_analytics_temp_2013_whuwwsoenp9" btree (level)
> And I can't see uidlevel1 column in fact...
> 2013/12/9 Knut Staring <knutst@xxxxxxxxx>
> Do your data show up in GIS, PIvot Tables or Data Visualizer?
> On Sun, Dec 8, 2013 at 7:00 PM, Ilias Dine <ilias.dine@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi
> Did it but still nothing on report.
> If this can help figure out what's going on:
> - In data administrator -- data browser, when selecting period daily, begin and end dates covering the entry periods, browse by __organization unit___ then selecting the root organization unit, I can see the values appearing on the result page
> - But when browsing by __data sets__, there is no result
> I note also that : when selecting organization unit in browser type, a contextual select menu for organization units appears; no contextual select menu for data sets appears when choosing to browse by data set. Is this normal ?
> 2013/12/8 Lars Helge Øverland <larshelge@xxxxxxxxx>
> Hi there,
> go to data admin, resource tables and generate the resource tables there.
> Then run analytics again, and verify that the process completes successfully.
> The first step happens automatically for scheduled analytics processes, but not for ad-hoc. I think we could include a check in the first situation and generate them if not existing at all.
> Lars
> On Dec 7, 2013 2:47 PM, "Ilias Dine" <ilias.dine@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> OK.
> Here is the result of the query to the database
> dhis2=> select dataelementid, periodid, sourceid, value from datavalue;
>  dataelementid | periodid | sourceid | value 
> ---------------+----------+----------+-------
>             49 |       51 |       48 | 1
>             49 |       52 |       48 | 2
>             49 |       53 |       48 | 5
> (3 rows)
> The values correspond to what has been set with data entry. But they still don't appear in the dataset report... 
> 2013/12/7 Knut Staring <knutst@xxxxxxxxx>
> The data will be in datavalues
> 7. des. 2013 14:02 skrev "Ilias Dine" <ilias.dine@xxxxxxxxx> følgende:
> Hi
> I'm testing DHIS2, the installation on ubuntu following the guide was
> ok. I then tried to add data elements and visualize them with the
> reports but couldn't get this work. I even tried to add one simple data
> element (named element A, value type: number, aggregation operator: sum
> - as default), then defined a data set (named collect, frequency: daily)
> and associated the data element A to it. An organization unit named root
> has been created and associated to this data set. Through the data entry
> form I added some values for 4 days. I can see them when selecting back
> the periods. But when I go to reports - dataset reports, there is no
> value linked to this data element A...
> I tried with several examples, this last one were the simplest, but I
> still can not get any value with the report tools. A look at the
> catalina.out log is showing me this line dealing with my report query:
> "nested exception in org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: Relation
> "analytics_2013" doesn't exist"
> I've just run Analytics and datasmart -- start exporting, as suggested by Knut (thanks to him) but the situation is the same. I shall also mention that when doing a reporting rate summary, I'm getting correct rates corresponding to the number of data I added.
> I'm using version 2.13. Any idea of what is going wrong ? Where can I check in the postgresql database (which table to look in?) ?
> Thanks for the help.
> Regards
> Ilias
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> Knut Staring
> Dept. of Informatics, University of Oslo
> +4791880522
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