Hi Izidor,
Thanks for the congratulations! The main reason I haven't been on the
IRC is because I was at the end of my semester, so I've be on as much as
I possibly can, but I've been busy with school, although now that it's
over I should be on more! I'm actually in the Eastern Timezone so I
shouldn't have trouble hooking up with him, however I'm sure we'll be in
touch on the IRC channel.
I've been thinking about whether I wanted to refactor or add some small
editing features first and figured that the small features would give me
a chance to work with the codebase, but if working on a new editor from
scratch is what GTG wants me to do, I'm willing to do that, and I agree
that starting with that would be the best thing to do. Also, I can
definitely start researching GTK3 with python and start planning some
things out, and will bring those ideas to the table here.
Congratulations on your GSoC as well and I look forward to talking to
you on the IRC!
~Steve Scheel