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Re: New task state: waiting


On 06/17/2012 11:37 PM, Bertrand Rousseau wrote:
About task prioritization, we could offer automatic sorting through
several criterion, even using advanced sorting algorithm (I don't know
what you have exactly in mind, Izidor), but I think we should also
simply allow people to rearrange subtasks as they like by hand.
However, even if this last option can be easily implemented using
drag&drop in the task list, it is a real challenge when it comes to
maintaining the task's text up-to-date and not make it a mess once
subtasks are rearranged.


I would like to do it this way:

Each task has a score (a.k.a weight) which consists of 3 sub-scores:
  1, due_date score - <how many days are left to do this tasks> * 100 000
2, start_date score - max(0, <how many days are left to start working on this task>) * 1000
  3, user score - allow the user to reorganize tasks as she wants

All those scores are summed together and then sorted. The first subscore should take the minimal due_date score of all children. (if I have an urgent subtask, it should be up)

How would look DnD? I would drag a task between two another tasks. GTG computes theirs scores and update the dragged score to have the right position between them by updating the third subscore value.

Using an ordering like this one would allow user to have automatically organized tasks by "time" priority and correct the problem cases manually.

It might not be a perfect description (still thinking about it) but I hope you get the gist.

