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Re: Potential issues with oaa_ lib


On Tue, 31 Aug 2010, Lorenzo Marcantonio wrote:

On Mon, 30 Aug 2010, Alex G wrote:

That's an even better idea, but is there a way in kicad to store lines
on the comments layer within the footprint library? I can see why we
wouldn't want to contaminate the silkscreen with backyards (oh, I meant
Sure, no problem... right click on the artwork, edit/edit layer
(current) :D
There are 2 issues with that:
1) You have to do it for one item at a time
2) There are no comment layer which 'flips' to the other side like silk,
paste, adhesive or mask.

The first is really a no-issue since there are usually few lines... for
the second thing you could use the adhesive layer (but that's an hack)
or 'suggest' that, for example, the ECO1/ECO2 layer would be changed to
ECO_Front/ECO_Back or some similar improvement in the layer setup.

You're doing good. I can't afford really big SCR's, and even if I could,
no one is going to give me 30A of AC power. I'd probably blow the fuses
30A on 24VAC is not a lot (actually, its a 'little' water heater in this
case). But amps *still* heat copper a lot. And that's not really big,
they call it 'medium power' (look for the vishay 50RIA thing). It's
a lot inconvenient because a) is essentially a thing screwed on the
board with flying wires and b) you need a mos to trigger its gate (about
150mA of current for turning it on...)

off. And of course, by optical inspection, I'm assuming you mean
something else than an eyemetric inspection.
I mean a CNC camera with stored how the board should look like, of
course :D

What do you use for generating the artwork? I need to stick two
transparencies on top of each other to avoid pinholes. And if I'm lucky,
I get horizontal lines of toner going straight through the board, just
asking for a nice cutter-job after the board is etched.
I cheat, I submit the gerbers to a board manufacturer :D:D at a pro
level it cost *less* than hand doing the whole thing, and result are
guaranteed. I hand produce only the occasional single side for throw
away experiments.

You have some interesting footprints. Perhaps after Oyvind releases his
generator script, you may make some 3d packades for them.
I've now added the perl code, released under
"GNU GPL 3 or later", it's in revision 5 :-)

I'll address the various library issues in the next revision
(some of them needs double-checking of datasheets, etc.):

* DB/DSUB mounting pad size (the consensus seems to be 7.4mm :-),
* The SOD523 SMD diode with overlapping pins,
* The SMD pads on SMD Alu Electrolytes (C-AEC-*),
* LED pin numbering (ouch),
* DFN vs. TDFN (they're probably the same ...).

These are the ones I've noticed on the mailing list, so
if there are any more, I've missed them (please resend :-)

I don't use the 3d packages, actually :D BTW I'm trying to reduce the
IPC specs to a latex doc and some sample code to spread the knowledge.
It _is_ possible (and easy) to create parts w/o 3D packages with
my perl code, but I've forced myself to always include the 3D stuff,
as otherwise it tends to be forgotten, and thus never gets done
(the 3D stuff does - by far - require the biggest efford :-)

Simply don't define the body= and pin= attributes, to generate
only the footprint (smdpads= or stdpads=) and silkscreen (silk=).
This will eliminate the VRML file and the ref to it in the lib.

Lorenzo Marcantonio
Logos Srl

Follow ups
