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Re: Config file relocation (new patch)


According to Marco Serantoni here:

it is lowercase kicad.

I don't even have a Mac available to look at, so I'm just going by what I'm told or can find!

On 09/03/2014 04:10 PM, Martijn Kuipers wrote:
On 03 Sep 2014, at 22:05, Moses McKnight <moses@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hi Wayne,

I'm not sure now if that is where they should go.  I looked a little through past emails here and apparently things such as libraries, modules, etc are in subdirectories in ~/Library/Application Support/kicad
Just a minor detail, shouldn’t that be ?
~/Library/Application Support/KiCad

OSX uses the name of the application, which is KiCad (with the capitals).


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