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building kicad with wxWidgets on Linux


I have very recently built a new  64-bit linux system, with a new GPU.
Of course, I wanted to build kicad on this new system.
I have installed cuda and built wxWidgets 3.0.1 and I really look forward to to running the push-and-shove router.
But I never make it past  the wxWidgets test in cmake.
My system has wxWidget 2.8.12-9 installed and I get the complaint that 3.0 is required. I built wxWigets 3.01 and installed it in $(HOME)/wx and used the flag -DwxWidgets_ROOT_DIR=$(HOME)/wx with cmake. I thought this would work but it does not and fails on the same complaint about finding 2.8 and requiring 3.0 (or better), but it also says that it found my $(HOME)/wx wxWidgets.
That is, it fails on the version complaint first and then finds  the 
wxWidgets 3.0.1 in $(HOME)/wx, or it seems to fail first and then find 
newer wxWidgets but cmake fails overall.
The system cmake version is
g++  4.8.3
kernel 3.16.3

I am not very familiar with kicad cmake. Is there some trick others have found to accomplish building with wxWidgets not in either /usr/local nor installed in the system paths?

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