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Re: Plans for update Boost?


On 5/18/2015 2:12 PM, Mário Luzeiro wrote:
>>> Outdated, yes. Problem is, the bug we work around apparently isn't fixed
>>> in more recent versions.
>> It hasn't even been fixed in 1.58 :(  JP already tested it.  It's been
>> over two years since the original bug report.  The Boost devs don't seem
>> to be interested in fixing it.
> I was trying to understand a bit more of boost, in my case, related with polygon/geometry stuff.
> What I found is that boost have two "libraries" to deal with polygons: The boost::polygon (the one that kicad is using) and a more general boost::geometry.
> From what I understand, it seems that boost is moving to the boost::geometry and they keep the boost::polygon for legacy proposes. So I believe they will not give much attention to the boost::polygon
> I am probably not 100% correct, maybe someone correct me.
> But I looked for the boost::geometry and found they add lots of more features now since 1.54 .. that I am explore it now.

This is JP's code so he would have to see if the boost geometry library
would work.  I would be reluctant to replace it so close to the stable
release without a lot of testing.

> I like the idea to split the boost from kicad building, linux users will appreciate it ;)

This has been on my todo list for a while.  I will also be removing the
AVHTTP and openssl library build stuff as well.  I want our cmake code
to build the kicad source only.  All that other stuff should be
maintained outside the project.

> Regards,
> Mario Luzeiro

Follow ups
