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Re: Plans for update Boost?


> On 18 May 2015, at 20:43, Wayne Stambaugh <stambaughw@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> I like the idea to split the boost from kicad building, linux users will appreciate it ;)
> This has been on my todo list for a while.  I will also be removing the
> AVHTTP and openssl library build stuff as well.  I want our cmake code
> to build the kicad source only.  All that other stuff should be
> maintained outside the project.

I think it is not just “split” boost from KiCad.
On OS X you can have private patched libs in the application bundle… so, the “experience” won’t change there, you can use private patched libs without any problem.
On Windows it can be done probably similar (don’t know, just put them to the install folder?).
On Linux you might end up just using the stock distribution version, because KiCad is installed in some default /usr/bin paths and the “private” libraries could collide with or overwrite the distribution ones. 
But, using the stock ones does mean loosing some patches, what is currently the argument for not updating boost… so, I think the more interesting question is how to deal with the patches if they are *really* needed, and how to proceed to just using stock packages...

