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Re: kicad StepUp update and STEP repository of parametric models


Hi Marco,

1) could you please send me also the board with only these 3 modules (usb, qfn, pogo_pin)? (no net, just edge and 3 modules would be fine)
it would be easier check the probs

2) fusion with color is possible in FC 015 and 016 ... I'm going to send the X2QFN-12 fused with color asap ... wich command do you use?
Part, Make a union of several parts?

3) to align the objects I've done a small FC macro... it is not complete to be deployed with the stepup script, but is usable and makes the alignment easy...
I will send it asap

4) could you please send me also a copy of the trouble pcb edge (no net no modules), to check if the problem is in kicad exporting to IDF or in importing IDF from FC

thank you

On 19/08/2015 17.13, Marcos Chaparro wrote:
About the USB connector, don't follow the original part from the
manufacturer, it took me a while to align it.

Here is the step and vrml of that connector. Its the same manufacturer
step, but aligned.
and the connector footprint:

The IDF export is not the problem, trying with a simpler outline
generates the pcb okay but the parts are still rotated.



On Wed, Aug 19, 2015 at 11:44 AM, Marcos Chaparro <nitrousnrg@xxxxxxxxx
<mailto:nitrousnrg@xxxxxxxxx>> wrote:

    Hi Maurice,
    I just compiled the latest kicad version and the script says
    IDF board has to be exported to Xref=0; Yref=0
    pcbnew version >=6091
    IDF board has NOT to be exported to real placement
    pcbnew version < 6091

    Anyway, the board is perfectly aligned now, thanks!

    I'm using kicad Version: (2015-08-18 BZR 6103)-product release build
    and freecad 0.16

    I do have a question, the tutorial says "assure that your STEP
    module is fused to just one solid object". I see it failing with
    multi part obejcts, but I don't know how to fuse a part properly in

    A boolean operation between parts (union) creates a "fusion" object
    that loses color information.
    Going through "make compound" in the part workbench seems to be the
    right way to do it, but the script is still not happy with the
    generated step file and in freecad you can see its not a single object.

    See attached an example of a part that I can't fuse together
    (X2QFN). I think there are no coplanar faces in the part.

    Also, pogo_pin.step looks fine to me in freecad, but when it is
    added to a board using the script it gets rotated. Its also attached

    The usb connector that is also rotated is here

    I'm also having throubles exporting the pcb to IDFv3 of this
    particular board, maybe this is related to these rotation issues. I
    should ask cirilo later about this.



    On Tue, Aug 18, 2015 at 7:17 PM, easyw <easyw@xxxxxxxxxxxx
    <mailto:easyw@xxxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:

        Hi Marcos,

        it took me a bit but I managed to align the board.
        Now the script can manage also circular board, board with arcs
        and pcb rotated inside pcbnew.

        I also made an update for the board position for the new IDF
        exporting grid.
        NB this version will put the board at the right position only if
        IDF is exported to Xref=0;Yref=0 (pcbnew version > 6091)

        I added a starter guide (adoc and pdf) both for kicad StepUp
        and for FreeCAD script generator.

        I patched also the scripting to generate 3D models in STEP, to
        be execute correctly also in linux (cadquery freecad module has
        been updated too).
        (I tested the scripts in ubuntu but it should work also in debian)

        Please have a look :)


        On 14/08/2015 16.02, Marcos Chaparro wrote:

            Thanks Maurice,
            the board edge is actually a footprint, and it was rotated
            180° in
            kicad_pcb file, I don't know if that matters.

            About 2), you're right, freecad 0.14 messed up the vrml
            export. I tried
            with 0.16 and it looks perfect. I'm on a debian box, the
            stable freecad
            version for us is 0.14, in order to get 0.15 I had to
            compile it, and since
            it was the same effort as getting the bleeding edge I
            compiled 0.16.

            I keep forgetting that gmail's inline images are not shown
            here, the
            screenshot in my last mail was this one (thanks Mario)



            On Fri, Aug 14, 2015 at 5:46 AM, easyw <easyw@xxxxxxxxxxxx
            <mailto:easyw@xxxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:

                Hi Marcos, thank you for the board...

                1. I had a quick look and I see the position prob...
                IDF import in FreeCAD, with this complex edge board,
                adds a rotation and
                probably the center of rotation is not fine ... I' m
                going to investigate a
                bit more if this depend on import or export or on my

                2. about the rendering of wrl model SIL7, which version
                of FC did you use
                to export it?
                I tried your wrl in kicad and is not well displayed,
                then I exported the
                STEP model to wrl in FC 0.15 and the rendering is fine...
                I will post the wrl model when I'll be back home.

                Thank you again for your feedback


                On 14 August 2015 01:59:39 CEST, Marcos Chaparro
                <nitrousnrg@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:nitrousnrg@xxxxxxxxx>>

                    This should work, see attached a test board

                    [image: Inline image 1]

                    The SIL7 model is awful, somehow it looks ok in
                    freecad and really bad


                Sent from Mobile

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