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Re: Some new sweet features on the new 3D-Viewer


Hi Jakub,

I will let the menu things for future consideration.
but I agree there is no way to display to the user the shortcut keys at the moment. That could be an option: have the functionalities on menus with the associated shortcut key.

> Yes, I know basics of OpenGL and raytracing. But for raytracing OpenCL
> can be used I think. But it is another story ..

I dont (almost) nothing about shaders programming or OpenCL..
I only know a bit of openGL legacy.
(btw, I believe I dont need to learn the actual shader programming anymore! :P ..as the new Vulkan API that looks that will make whatever exists today obsolete again...)

There is also an important issue, from my understanding, it was desired that kicad try to be as much as compatible as possible.
It is know that there are users that cannot run the pcbnew opengl mode because their GPU dont support it..
So I was avoiding using shaders and keep it using OpenGL legacy.

However, the new 3D internal file format (the one that is converted after the plugins to the render) have in mind the use with opengl shaders.. 
also the 3d viewer was implemented in such a way that multiple rendering modes can be implemented... so .. in future.. who knows..


From: Jakub Kozdon [fldrivers@xxxxxxxxx]
Sent: 07 March 2016 20:30
To: Mário Luzeiro
Cc: kicad-developers@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [Kicad-developers] Some new sweet features on the new 3D-Viewer

Hi Mário,

yes, I am dreaming a lot.

But for menu I think that all options in program should be in main menu.
There is more space for displaying shortcuts and it is easier to find
all functions.

Yes, I know basics of OpenGL and raytracing. But for raytracing OpenCL
can be used I think. But it is another story ..

I am planning to start doing some changes in KiCad source next month.
But as for now not for 3D viewer. So hope that I will be useful. For now
as least as tester.


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