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Re: About Bug 1604841: Pcbnew crash at moving via, and boost::context fixes to make it compatible with boost 1.61


Hi there!
Thank you for investigating the problem. After reading your explanation,
I am not completely sure the bug has existed before the boost-1.61
patch. In the mentioned patch, the order of transitions.clear() and
COROUTINE constructor has been reversed [1]. Do you think it could cause
the bug? If so, then the stable branch never had this bug and as such
should be safe.

I am still unable to recreate the problem, so could you simply try to
revert the order again to see if it solves the issue?

It's the "st->Push()" operation that eventually calls "st->transitions.clear()". When writing the 1.61 patch I must have run into 50% of the problem and changed the order of the *explicit* st->transistions.clear(), not realizing that Push does it as well. So before my patch it might have been cleared twice before dereferencing a referenced element. I don't suspect this to have caused any issues, since clear usually only calls the destructors and keeps the memory reserved, which then would silently work with the implementation of DELEGATE.

