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Re: Default Canvas for v5


On 31/12/17 18:38, Nick Østergaard wrote:
> I don't think the term standard for Cairo is good. It is better to call
> it fallback or faillsafe.

How about this:

- Always start with OpenGL by default.
- If pcbnew crashes, fall back automagically to Cairo on the next
launch. Inform that the renderer has been changed due to the crash.
- In the case of graphics glitches, inform the users in the FAQ/Manual
that they can fall back to software renderer in the View menu.
- Don't use the term 'canvas' or 'view'. Just 'Enable HW acceleration'.

-- warning: personal opinion below --

I don't believe we're asking much by requiring support for a 12-year old
standard (OpenGL 2.1) these days. If there's anyone to complain about
it, these are Linux users with questionable quality graphics drivers
(e.g. deliberately using nouveau) or trying to run KiCad on the PDP-11
in their basement :)

-- my 5 cents

PS. Happy New Year!

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