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Re: Packageset URLs (Was: Re: pre-implementation call re. package set traversal change)


У пет, 30. 10 2009. у 18:50 +0200, Bjorn Tillenius пише:

> How do you navigate to a package set from /ubuntu? I would assume that
> you would stay in the Distribution context, and have something like
> /ubuntu/+packageset/mozilla. This is similare to how you navigate to
> source packages. If you are on /ubuntu and go to the mozilla package,
> you end up at /ubuntu/+source/mozilla, not at
> /ubuntu/karmic/+source/mozilla

That's solvable in a similar way to what Translations does today: when
you are on translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu, you are actually looking
at the translation_focus series, and links take you there.

Of course, we'd use development_focus for package sets.  At least IMHO.

(and one should be careful not to leave unconnected paths like we have
on source package page)

