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Re: bug tags & importance and people

Christian Robottom Reis schrieb:
> On Tue, Jul 31, 2007 at 01:00:15AM +0530, shirish wrote:
>>        Another thing i've been trying to find out is if i can find out
>> when an x person logged in last. Just for e.g.
>> but there is just no way. Of
> This is a cool idea, and I'm happy Matthew has filed this bug so we can
> plan on doing this.
> There is a slight privacy disclosure item here. Does anyone feel
> strongly about this, or is it okay to disclose your last logged in time
> to other -- logged in -- Launchpad users?

Well, this could be a nice feature, but I wouldn't like to be forced to
show it. Anyway, a privacy option would be nice for the karma page, too.

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