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Re: Rosetta: Need re-upload of packages to get upstream translations?

Timo Jyrinki wrote:
2008/9/17 Danilo Šegan <danilo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
I can identify ~450 non-junk templates we have unreviewed from Ubuntu

What about the 40 000 PO files that are at "Needs review" [1],
including ones from packages and ones uploaded from translators. Do
they somehow need to be manually processed, too, or are all of those
simply waiting for the respective templates to be approved and then
they will be too (unless they are "junk")?

I'm sorry for the late reply; I've been having some very distracting hardware problems on (top of being busy with this issue).

All files go in as "needs review." An automated process then tries to do the routine approvals. That mostly means trying to match an upload to an already known template; and for translations, figuring out which language they're for as well. The right template name and translation domain are attached to the import request, and it can move on to actual import. Other files need to be blocked, which is done by a similar process (again with the status of a template influencing the status of its translations as well).

This process takes care of most files, but when templates are new (or have changed filenames) they often don't get approved in this way. In that case, a human needs to intervene.

Once a template is imported, its translation files are automatically approved--assuming that it's clear what template they belong to, and their language codes can be confidently extracted from their filenames.

Whether a file needs human review isn't always clear-cut. For example, some new template may be imported, or an existing one renamed, and suddenly it becomes approvable. For example, Evolution has templates with names that include the version number. A template for a new version then looks like a completely separate template to the system (and in some cases, adding a number to a template name does mean that it's a completely different file). So instead of just importing a template evolution-2.24 for Intrepid, we copy evolution-2.22 from Hardy along with all its translations; rename that copy to evolution-2.24; and then wait for auto-approval to recognize evolution-2.24.pot and its translations as simple updates.

This if of course already a bit OT, but since all my PO uploads always
go to "Needs review" state instead of "Approved" (the state before
actual import), I'm wondering how they are processed. And I also
wonder if the uploads I have lately done will be processed only after
the current 40k queue is otherwise handled.

The queue entries, once they are approved, are imported in the order of the date of their first upload. If you upload an update, the request will keep its original date so you're not bounced to the back of the queue.

Hope this gives a bit more insight into the process.


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