2008/9/25 Jeroen Vermeulen <jtv@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>: > Hope this gives a bit more insight into the process. Thank you, it really did. The "Needs review" is then a bit fuzzy term, since one cannot know whether it will automatically get Approved and then Imported or not. But thanks a lot, anyway. As the KDE4 pot:s seem to be imported now (though po files not yet), there's "only" 132 "Needs review" pot:s queued. Of those, I'd like to point out this one: https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/intrepid/+source/app-install-data-ubuntu/+imports ...just because being able to translate those entries in gnome-app-install would be a major l10n improvement in intrepid. In the end, the goal would hopefully be putting the amount of stuff in "Needs review" to plain zero - otherwise there's always a certain uncertainty about whether some specific pot (or po) will go in or will be queued indefinitely. The fact that there is files in queue from April for intrepid does not give confidence that a specific later file would be imported. -Timo
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