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Re: "Abuse" of Contact User feature

On Wed, 2008-12-03 at 09:04 -0200, Christian Robottom Reis wrote:
> On Tue, Dec 02, 2008 at 10:23:05PM -0500, Curtis Hovey wrote:
> > Which was a point a I made earlier. This feature is fundamentally
> > flawed.
> Uhh, depending on what you mean by "flawed feature" I don't agree at
> all. If you're saying "this is a valid feature but we can't figure out a
> way to avoid random peopple spamming teams" then I'm in agreement.

No I'm saying:

        As a launchpad team member,
        I want to contact all the launchpad team members,
        to inform them of an important event.

We cannot use the team mailing list because the subscription is an
option. How many user get a message if no one subscribes to the mailing
list? Or...we change the list subscription rules to send to all members
if the message came from "Contact this team".

> There's definitely a valid use case in providing a way to contact a team
> -- for teams that have no contact email addresses (the majority, btw:
>     3973 total teams
>     1142 teams with a contact email address set
>     2831 teams with no contact email address set
> ) there's no other way to do it. The problem seems to be figuring out a
> creative way of allowing that without also making it easy to spam
> people.

The "spam" issue is only valid from the context of a non-member
contacting the team. I do not know of a reason why a non-member needs to
contact *every* team member.

        As a user of the fnord PPAs,
        I want to contact the fnord PPA team,
        To as a question about the builds.

If the team had a mailing list, I would expect my message to require
moderation ('standing' is irrelevant in the case) (Launchpad is not
using moderation). Some person acts as the gatekeeper for those message.
I think someone, the team owner, should be the gatekeeper for non-member
messages. The gatekeeper can choose to reply to the non-member message,
or forward it to another team member.

__Curtis C. Hovey_________

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