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Re: [Launchpad-users] new way to look at the bugs

2009/9/3 Jonathan Lange <jml@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
>> The generic way to solve this problem is to allow custom sort criteria
>> with an added bonus being a way to save that sort criteria as a query --
>> but if it's in a URL you get a poor-man's version of that as a bookmark.
> Not only is it generic, but it's probably the right way of doing it,
> since there will always be interesting, unanticipated questions that
> people have about their bugs.

Yay flexibility, but I think at the moment there are some entirely
standard predicable and common sort orders or queries that aren't well
handled, and that don't need custom sort orders to handle them.

As Robert describes, there are:

 * Assess/triage things that are not yet assessed (ie new, or
unassigned priority)
 * Finish things off that are already in progress (ie inprogress
and/or assigned)
 * Find something new and important to do

I think these can be handled well by adding either sort orders, or
filters to the portlet.  At any rate I would recommend trying that
before doing anything else.

Eventually, some kind of query language in that field where I can say
for example

  importance:critical or status:inprogress or assignee:mbp

would be cool, but we don't need that yet.

Martin <>

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