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Re: [Launchpad-users] Translatable strings with small changes get removed completely

Hi Frank,

2009/11/12 Frank Niessink <frank@xxxxxxxxxxxx>:
> This would indeed do for changes in the original string that don't
> require a change in the translation. Unfortunately, It doesn't help
> for other types of small changes, like adding a sentence, changing a
> word here or there, etc.  That's too bad.

yes, that's the problem.
The only thing that I can think of to avoid this kind of "nuisance" to
translator, is to enforce some kind of string freeze period to your
Translators will know that in that period it is safe to translate,
obviously, you need to do a review of the string before that period
and to tell translators about it.


Milo Casagrande <milo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

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