2009/12/8 Legendario <kemel.zaidan@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>: > At my point of view, the whole Launchpad should be translated and this could > be done with Rosetta itself but from my point of view Rosetta itself is the > last tool that needs to be translated, mainly because one needs to know > english to be able to translate software. > > But we can't forget that Launchpad has uses other than translations. As a > contact answer for Ubuntu on my language, I know that people find very > difficult to use Q&A tools, which can be a nice tool if evolved well. > > Another thing I can tell is that some people find difficulty to join > Launchpad just in order to be able to subscribe to our loco-team's mailing > list. For this people, having Launchpad in english is a great barrier. > > And if you guys don't mind, I am going to quote the Ubuntu manifest here: > http://www.ubuntu.com/community/ubuntustory/philosophy > > "Every computer user should be able to use their software in the language of > their choice." > > Isn't Ubuntu philosophy applicable to Launchpad either? Yes, it is. However, that 'should' has to contend with the many other things Launchpad should or could do next. I agree it would be nice to translate Launchpad. I think it would be great if this could be done at least for the answers app. When I've spoken to native Mandarin speakers in Taiwan they pointed out that having the entire app translated is not necessary - there are many people who can read enough English to create an account, but they don't feel comfortable working in it all the time. I am told that it would be nontrivial for technical reasons. I don't recall what they are but you can probably find something on the users or devel list archive. Maybe a developer should make a faq about this? So to answer the original question, yes, it's planned, but it's not near the top of the list, and it is https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-foundations/+spec/launchpad-i18n -- Martin <http://launchpad.net/~mbp/>
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