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MySQL Workbench & (M)Aria


I'm currently trying to change my tables from MyISAM to Maria. (MariaDB 5.1.49). Since I'm working with MySQL Workbench I'm trying to synchronize this models. When I do that, Workbench seems not to realize that there are any tables on the other end. But I can access the tables just to edit the table data (even in workbench).I even changed the xml files "mysql_engines.xml" with the settings below...I'm using the newest GA of Workbench (5.2.29).
Ideas anyone?
  <value type="object" struct-name="db.mysql.StorageEngine" id="com.mysql.engine.3rdparty.maria">     <value type="string" key="caption"></value>     <value type="string" key="comment"></value>     <value type="string" key="description"></value>     <value type="string" key="name">Maria</value>     <value type="string" key="oldName"></value>     <value type="list" content-type="object" content-struct-name="db.mysql.StorageEngineOption" key="options"/>     <value type="int" key="supportsForeignKeys">0</value>   </value>
