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Re: [Ayatana] Default to single click to open files and folders
On Sun, May 23, 2010 at 07:04, Alex Lourie <djay.il@gmail.com> wrote:
> Maybe think of another metaphor? I don't believe that tablet usability
> issues should dictate
> what happens on the desktop where we do have a keyboard and a mouse.
yeah right, tablets alone are not enough reason to become real with clicking..
So here some other popular use-cases:
*Webkiosk mode
*Mouse-only terminals
*Touchpads on netbooks and notebooks
*Touchscreen enabled desktop computers and notebooks
Are there other use cases maintaining double-click outside selecting objects comfortably and word processing in our desktop enviroment?
Can we not confidently abandon double click for all other cases?
I think we have been looking for excuses long enough to keep this phenomenon alive, where the web is leading us to naturally behave otherwise.
Surely, file managers are evolving (Zeitgeist, Nepomuk), yet outside managing files, there's no real place for interaction barriers like Double-click to be around anymore..
Most prominent examples:
Contact List
The desktop "folder"
2010/5/23 Kristoffer Lundén
Maybe I should also mention that I raised the idea on the Nautilus mailing list back then, and while there was no big discussion, the answer was that it was a nice idea, but there was no developer time available to develop it. So it would probably be accepted upstream if implemented.
/ Kristoffer
Thank you.
Most important is the improvement of the already existing Single-Click mode, and i see checkboxes as a very good idea in that respect. Ideas for the improval of this already existing mode are more valuable than yet another discussion about how many excuses we can find NOT to talk about this..