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openerp-expert-accounting team
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Message #01866
Re: Openerp accounting constraints module -> ideas?
On 10/22/2012 01:03 PM, Joël Grand-Guillaume wrote:
> To ease this work, we decided with Frederic to take time today to summarize
> all the suggestions at the bottom of the pad
> (, taking car of all returns
> people made. All those constraints will be very much appreciated.
Thanks for coordinating the discussion and providing a summary!
(BTW, everyone who commented might want to review the summary)
We will analyze the outcome of the discussion in details asap and give feedback
on what could be done in the core modules, what belongs to a separate module,
what should be done in localizations, etc.
Based on that we'll be able to plan the next steps.
> Concerning the way to work normally with those constraints, I mean with not too
> much work overhead, we would suggest to always have the accounting entries of
> the current period in draft. This way, you can benefit of the constraints on
> all the validated work, and have a kind of ease to use on the current one. This
> would as well means that OpenERP should have a way to generate all accounting
> entries in draft (even invoices, bank statement, and so on). This is the way
> other accounting software are working as well. This is simple to understand,
> simple to implement and just work well.
Quick feedback on this one: having all entries as draft until a period is
closed seems to be quite the opposite of the original goal (more constraints).
That could mean not only a lot of bad surprises at the end of the period, but
also means that invoices would be editable even after being issued to the
customers. Yes OpenERP has an option to allow this, but it's been moved to a
separate module meant to be installed only in countries where this is legally
Any feedback from the other contributors to the discussion?
In any case, we'll provide feedback on the complete summary soon.