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Re: Sugarizing Scratch


On Mon, Mar 8, 2010 at 17:53, Bert Freudenberg <bert@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I worked on a new version over the weekend. This one seems to do the trick :)
> I decided to make a full XO bundle for testing this time:
> http://dev.laptop.org/~bert/scratch/Scratch-20100308.xo
> That's because there are a few new files, like project/sprite SVG icons, mimetypes.xml, the scratch-wrapper script was scrapped etc.
> Most significantly, resuming from the Journal (or Home screen in newer Sugar) works now. It may not always resume a project you saved in my last version, but loading those and resaving should fix the metadata.
> "Save" always overwrites the previous Journal entry, "Save as" always creates a new one.
> Metadata is preserved, that is, if you added a tag in the Journal it should still be there after re-saving. Same for the description - this is kept separate from the project's comment you see inside Scratch because I could not figure out which one should win if they differ.
> The metadata contains the full project summary, so if you search e.g. for a sprite name in the Journal, projects containing it are found. If John fixes the PNG generator we can also have thumbnails in the Journal. Otherwise I consider this to be pretty much complete :)
> Please report back with any problems you find. Everything Journal-related should work now.

Congratulations to all involved, lots of children (and not only) were
waiting for this!



> - Bert -
> On 02.03.2010, at 06:54, Claudia Urrea wrote:
>> Bert,
>> I downloaded this new version...
>> 1. open a project: it works! Even the ones I had downloaded before
>> worked, so it was not a problem with the download.
>> 2. save a project works also!
>> 3. Importing a project.. doesn't work!
>> 4. Importing a costume, both using simple directory and sugar widget works!
>> I will a complete test tomorrow.
>> Claudia
>> On Mon, Mar 1, 2010 at 5:59 PM, Bert Freudenberg <bert@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> I have another version for testing. Code:
>>> http://dev.laptop.org/~bert/scratch/SugarScratch-bf-2010Mar01.zip
>>> Pre-made ScratchXO.image:
>>> http://dev.laptop.org/~bert/scratch/ScratchXO-bf-2010Mar01.zip
>>> This now supports writing/exporting to the Journal, so is almost feature-complete.
>>> I added a USB button as suggested. It opens "/media" directly, which appears to work fine. However, the USB stick must be inserted before launching Scratch. This might be a limitation of Rainbow.
>>> USB support is very different between Sugar versions. In 0.82 each USB drive appeared as different "mountpoint" in the datastore, they could be enumerated and the Journal queries could be filtered by mountpoint. Unfortunately, no filtering is done by default, so if you mount a USB drive on an XO-1, the USB files will show up even when you click Scratch's Journal button.
>>> Newer Sugar versions apparently don't allow to access different mountpoints anymore. The "mountpoint" property of each Journal entry seems to be present randomly. OTOH, files on USB do not clutter the regular file list.
>>> I might have to special-case Sugar 0.82 and filter the list for the main datastore mountpoint only ...
>>> TODO: Saving (even under the same name) always creates a new Journal entry. I need to figure out how to preserve the identity of entries. Also, metadata is not preserved yet.
>>> I did implement preview thumbnails when saving projects, however I disabled it because the PNG writer in Scratch creates corrupt images. I tried to compare it to the one in Etoys which was fixed long ago but couldn't easily figure out the problem.
>>> - Bert -
>>> On 25.02.2010, at 19:09, John Maloney wrote:
>>>> Hi, Bert and Claudia.
>>>> I've done some more testing; results below.
>>>> Claudia, it's great that you are able to send error logs to Bert to help him debug. I'm pretty busy with about three other projects, so I may not have time to do much more testing.
>>>> Bert, I looked over your code. It's about what I expected -- lots of DBus code, some compatibility methods, and the changes to the dialog boxes. There were one or two methods that I might want to look at more closely and perhaps ask you about. I'll let you know if I have questions.
>>>> Seems like there are a few issues we might consider:
>>>>  a. Should we add a link to get to the USB drive?
>>>>  b. If we had an easy way to get to the USB drive, do we actually need a way to access the Journal "object view"?
>>>>  c. How important is it to be able to save/export files to the Journal? Seems like being able to import and open projects from the journal is the highest priority, so if Bert is running out of hours to work on this, perhaps save/export is something we could omit. But that's up to Claudia to decide. Note that if we had an easy way to get to the USB drive that might be a way to move data between Scratch and the Journal when necessary.
>>>> It's really coming along!
>>>>       -- John
>>>> Issue summary:
>>>>  * downloaded projects files is always "download"
>>>>  * importing sounds does not appear to work
>>>>  * should we replace one link button (e.g. "data") with a "USB" link?
>>>> My configuration is:
>>>>  XO 1.0 hardware; Sugar 0.82.1, build 802
>>>> Project Downloading Tests
>>>> This works for me. I use Browse to go the Scratch website, log in, then click download link on a project to download it.
>>>>  Note: if you forget to log in you get a dialog box title "rainbow-daemon" that says "Please login".
>>>> When you download a Scratch project, the download URL is something like:
>>>>       http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/johnm/902126/download
>>>> Thus, all Scratch projects appear in journal a "download", and when you open the project in Scratch, it's title is "download". (Sorry, I was mistaken earlier when I said I saw the project name in the journal.) Bert, it's a bit more work, but you could extract the project's name from the project history (the last "share" entry).
>>>> Import Tests
>>>> Importing a costume or backgrounds from the Journal works.
>>>> It appears that importing a sound does not work, but I'm not positive I did the right test. I made a sound recording with the "Record" activity. But when I do "import sound" and click on the "journal" link, I do not see any sound entries.
>>>> I believe importing a list would work. At least, when I try to import a list and click on the "journal" link I see a bunch of files, which I assume are all the plain text files in the journal.
>>>> Import/Open Dialog Link Buttons
>>>> The link buttons on the Import Costume dialog box are:
>>>>  Computer -- shows contents of / (the root of the file system)
>>>>  data -- this is the isolated data folder for the Scratch activity (on other computers this shows the user's home folder)
>>>>  Desktop -- shows same folder as "data"
>>>>  Costumes -- Scratch's costume folder
>>>>  Journal -- the journal
>>>> Since "data" and "Desktop" are redundant, I think one of those could be used to show the first mounted USB drive (or /media if there is not USB drive).
