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Re: Sugarizing Scratch


On 13.03.2010, at 20:46, Claudia Urrea wrote:
> Bert,
> I have done a lot of testing with the new version this week and this
> is the summary:

Sounds like everything is pretty much working as expected. Yay :)

> - Open/Import... work very well
> - Save/Save as... work well
> - export a sprite/create a new sprite from a file... work well, but it
> would be good to have "My projects" button. I created a folder inside
> "My projects" to organize my files. It would be nice to  save and
> retrieve project to/from there.

How common might that be? In any case it's trivial to show or hide that button for John himself.

> - Import/export a list.. work well. The problem is that the journal
> shows all the txt files and events in the journal are shown as well.
> If you choose any of the events, Scratch gets stuck

Well, I assume this would happen on a regular PC too if you just open any random file? If not I should try to figure out what's going on.

> - Import a costume/import a background from Journal.... work well if I
> use the journal widget, but the simple directory view, creating
> thumbnails takes LONG time (10 or 15 min sometimes). I have been using
> this XO for more than a year, so I have a lot of files, which maybe
> the case in many instances.

One simple possibility would be to disable thumbnails and show a list of text entries instead. A better way would be to retrieve thumbnails only for visible items (and maybe cache in the background).

OTOH this would happen on a PC too if you have a folder with hundreds of pictures in it. So a general solution might be more appropriate than a Sugar-specific one.

> - Import a sound works... but the files produced by record are not
> compatible with Scratch ( MP3 files and uncompressed WAV, AIF, and AU
> files). I copied some wav files to a USB and to the journal and it
> works. I noticed that when I click on the "journal" button I can see
> both, the files on my journal and my USB together. Is this ok? I know
> that through the journal widget I can access both files, but I though
> it was confusing.

Indeed. I reported on the strange default Journal+USB behavior earlier (copied again below). Do you want me to change anything? Like only ever show entries from the main Journal?

- Bert -

>> I added a USB button as suggested. It opens "/media" directly, which appears to work fine. However, the USB stick must be inserted before launching Scratch. This might be a limitation of Rainbow.
>> USB support is very different between Sugar versions. In 0.82 each USB drive appeared as different "mountpoint" in the datastore, they could be enumerated and the Journal queries could be filtered by mountpoint. Unfortunately, no filtering is done by default, so if you mount a USB drive on an XO-1, the USB files will show up even when you click Scratch's Journal button.
>> Newer Sugar versions apparently don't allow to access different mountpoints anymore. The "mountpoint" property of each Journal entry seems to be present randomly. OTOH, files on USB do not clutter the regular file list.
>> I might have to special-case Sugar 0.82 and filter the list for the main datastore mountpoint only ...
