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Re: switch-x-to.conf / sony-laptop problem with 2.6.31-15 kernel


You did overlook that hot switching on Vista does not work with
                "VGA Switching"="static"
No way for hot switching from stamina into speed-mode (on Vista) with
that BIOS-setting.

Who cares about hot switching crap? This is absolutely useless feature, which led to compatibility problems with other operating systems. Most of SONY VAIO users will never use it, because they don't even know about it. It's just another "hot paper dragon" from nVidia, because they want to sold something. SONY could sell more laptops expanding the range of colors,
instead of these "improvements".

After you switched it back to auto, everything will work again like it
should. 'static' is only for debug purposes and, ok, maybe you don't
want to use Vista, than its good.
"Debug purposes", are you kidding me? When you pass "! Windows 2006" parameter to BIOS, it switches to "static" mode. So what is the difference between "static" option selected in BIOS by hand
and static option selected by "software switch"?
By the way - can you get me one real reason for the end user of laptop to switch from Windows XP to Windows Vista? Even Microsoft admitted that sales of Vista failed.
Of course, more complete hardware support is the right step. And of 
course, if the BIOS was not
hacked until now - we had nothing to dispute :) However, when I will buy 
my next laptop -
at first i will install current version of Linux, and if something 
important will not work -
I will return it back to seller, no matter what new useless "cool 
features" will be implemented in hardware.
In any case, I do not want to spend time on another "holy war" ;D 
Everyone can have their opinion,
I think - *nix rules, Windows sucks! :)

And thanks for your work, your tutorials and linux skills is very good!

  Alexandr Kindras.

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