sony-vaio-z-series team mailing list archive
sony-vaio-z-series team
Mailing list archive
Message #02278
Re: VPCZ2?
Below I have included my script to set the synaptics settings which works
acceptably for me. I would like to have the time to work on the xorg
synaptics code to better support the "click" touchpads like the Z2 - but
with this config most things I need work.
Basically, I:
- Disable Taps on the main touchpad area
- Set very big bottom corner tap zones to cover the left and right button
areas on the touchpad
- Note - a single finger tap in those zones activates the appropriate
button - it is not necessary to "click" the touchpad
- Single finger Depress (click) the touchpad anywhere activates a left
mouse click
- Two finger click anywhere is middle-mouse click
- Three finger click anywhere is right-mouse click
- Two fingers to scroll - and set the friction on two finger scrolling
very low (suits me).
- Tap and touch on left button zone to initiate drag&drop (I usually use
left hand index finger). Drag using right hand index finger anywhere on
touchpad. Tap anywhere to finish the drop.
The sensitivity and feel of the touchpad is really very nice.
You can read a little more of my experience with ubuntu natty on the Z2 at:
Note that suspend, intel video, blutetooth, wlan, brightness and audio
controls and microphone all work fine out of the box with default 2.6.38-11
kernel. When booted while docked, the radeon (and all the dock hardware) is
detected fine (I have not tried X on the radeon yet). However, booting while
docked sometimes causes a 30 second timeout at boot on the Marvel storage
controller in the Dock (I haven't tried any of the workarounds yet). Docking
while booted does not detect the new hardware present.
<<EOF sed 's/^#.*$//' | sed 's/ *= */=/' | xargs synclient
LeftEdge = 2900
RightEdge = 4000
TopEdge = 1620
BottomEdge = 3900
FingerLow = 24
FingerHigh = 29
FingerPress = 255
MaxTapTime = 180
MaxTapMove = 221
MaxDoubleTapTime = 180
SingleTapTimeout = 180
ClickTime = 100
FastTaps = 1
EmulateMidButtonTime = 75
EmulateTwoFingerMinZ = 280
EmulateTwoFingerMinW = 6
VertScrollDelta = 100
HorizScrollDelta = 100
VertEdgeScroll = 0
HorizEdgeScroll = 0
CornerCoasting = 0
VertTwoFingerScroll = 1
HorizTwoFingerScroll = 0
MinSpeed = 1
MaxSpeed = 1.75
AccelFactor = 0.0398089
TrackstickSpeed = 40
EdgeMotionMinZ = 29
EdgeMotionMaxZ = 159
EdgeMotionMinSpeed = 1
EdgeMotionMaxSpeed = 401
EdgeMotionUseAlways = 0
TouchpadOff = 0
LockedDrags = 1
LockedDragTimeout = 5000
RTCornerButton = 2
RBCornerButton = 3
LTCornerButton = 0
LBCornerButton = 1
TapButton1 = 0
TapButton2 = 1
TapButton3 = 0
ClickFinger1 = 1
ClickFinger2 = 2
ClickFinger3 = 3
CircularScrolling = 0
CircScrollDelta = 0.1
CircScrollTrigger = 0
CircularPad = 0
PalmDetect = 1
PalmMinWidth = 9
PalmMinZ = 199
CoastingSpeed = 20
CoastingFriction = 10
# PressureMotionMinZ = 29
# PressureMotionMaxZ = 159
PressureMotionMinFactor = 1
PressureMotionMaxFactor = 1
GrabEventDevice = 1
TapAndDragGesture = 1
AreaLeftEdge = 0
AreaRightEdge = 0
AreaTopEdge = 0
AreaBottomEdge = 0
JumpyCursorThreshold = 0
On 7 September 2011 07:35, Damien R <damienrg@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On 6 September 2011 10:00, Eva Brucherseifer
> <eva.brucherseifer@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > my current conclusion is to update the kernel first. According to various
> people on this list, the Z has the new Intel Sandybridge. This is at least
> causing the X issues. For example Niklas is using Tumbleweed Suse instead of
> the normal Suse, so he also has a kernel 3.0.1. I'll give it a try and let
> you know what it fixes.
> I confirm that after upgrading to kernel 3.1-rc4 there is no video
> problem. I can change brightness level without installing sony-laptop
> and I have kms enable.
> Suspend does not work. I have a black screen when I want to resume but
> I can change brightness level and I am able to log in the dark (i
> tried to restart gdm but the screen stays black) and I can reboot.
> No need for me to use git mesa.
> > As for the xserver-org-input-synaptics patches, I spend all weekend with
> this one. All important parts of these patches are already included into
> suse. I don't know the status without them, but I have multitouch keyboard
> working. Tab + Move works correctly to Drag&Drop.
> > Only the hardware buttons don't work correctly. The patches make a new
> setting "TouchPadArea" available which is set to 20%, but somehow it doesn't
> work. I change the also newly introduced setting AreaBottomEdge, but it only
> helped a little bit. However, click (hw-button, keeping it pressed) + drag
> does not work.
> >
> > Actually I read the patches and the sources, I don't think that
> Button-Press+Move works for anybody. If so, please let us know. I've read
> suse, ubuntu and those patches mentioned in the blog article. Archlinux has
> a different patch. Nicklas has Archlinux and he reported to use the normal
> tap workaround.
> >
> The trackpad works like this:
> - when I click on the trackpad it does a left click
> - when I have a finger on the trackpad and I do a click with another
> one finger, it does a right click
> - when I have a finger on the trackpad and I put another finger on it,
> I can scroll with the first finger
> Regards,
> Damien R.
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