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Re: A Website for StartUbuntu Project


On Wed, Sep 25, 2013 at 12:26 AM, Shorya Raj <rajshorya@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Please, just think about this. Your smart - do a CBA . Wiki page - low
> traffic, unable to promote it, subject to another service running. Website
> - high traffic, greater promotability (for only a few dollars, you can have
> it more likely to show up on a google search) - aka more likely to show up.
> If you just use it to portal into a wiki, then that website won't get as
> much traffic, and hence people won't see it as much (ubuntu wiki pages are
> reluctant to show up on normal google searches, while a website could
> easily do that). Therefore, a website is more important - if it gets enough
> traffic, it will promote itself and work well. A wiki could not hope to
> equal the traffic.
> Secondly, there is a rule in programming - spread everything out. If you
> need to run a website, you should have the database on one server and the
> website on another. Equally, letting one person host it - aka the ubuntu
> wiki, is potentially dangerous - if they decide to scrap the wiki, then we
> are scrapped as well. If they are subject to a DDOS attack, then we are
> attacked as well. If for some reason they delete it, then our work is
> wasted. Now, if we use are own servers, we can firstly load balacne - we
> can serve it from any of the five people willing to host. Secondly, we can
> spread out - one person could host the databases, and the others load
> balance the website. So, even if we are subject to an attack or a a
> blackout, we still have servers running. Also, we can take backups to
> revert to if everything is deleted.
> I know you don't trust me on this, but believe me, a website is crucial -
> if you really wanna get traction on this project, then you need a good
> solid website to run it. A wiki page won't be able to do it - low
> searchability. Also, one more thing - Ubuntu's servers are more suited for
> large file transfers to large numbers of people - mostly downloads of the
> OS, which are around half a gig to a gig. That requires a particular
> configuration (something like holding the stream open). Websites usually
> send a few kb at a max, and require a quick on and off. Hence, the wiki
> page is fine for a small number of users, but a rubbish beowulf cluster
> could do better at hosting a website for this. So, please, just trust me on
> this one - the wiki is only useful as the beginning to coordinate while we
> set up, but please don't think about using it as a base from which to work
> from.


It indeed seems to me that we are talking apples and oranges over here. I
am sorry, unlike you, I am not going to repeat myself over and over again
:) we have discussed that SO many times, yet, you keep repeat yourself.

Please refer back to my previous emails and if you insist then, here you go
for the last time - hopefully :)

Wiki = has its own usage + upside and downside
Website = has its own usage + upside and downside

Wiki = for Ubuntu Communities to refer to
Website = everyone who have an internet connection and a browser

BOTH are needed at some point. Each serve different purposes.

Please, understand the real scope of this project. There are 9 Linux
Distributions which StartUbuntu is offering. Each has its own website,
Social Media Area, Wiki Area, Team and Sub-Teams, etc. So, having an extra
website is pointless. HOWEVER, in order to represent the project to Windows
XP Users and also the whole world, IT IS GOOD IDEA to have a website. I
have made myself very clear over and over again but you keep repeating the
same argument :)

So, please, let's stop talking and start doing :)
You have now 4 people who actually offered your help. I have asked you to
organize the work with them. Phill is going to host it for you and the
others are offering their help. I am sure they are more people who might
join in and help as well.

I am not against the idea of having a website. I am against the idea of
'ignore' the Wiki Page :)

Please, let's move on. I don't like to go for infinite loop and repeat the
same thing.

Thank you!

Remember: "All of us are smarter than any one of us."
Best Regards,
amjjawad <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/amjjawad>
Areas of Involvement <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/amjjawad/AreasOfInvolvement>
My Projects <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/amjjawad/Projects>
