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Re: Update to gradle



Le 29/11/2013 21:02, Philipp Heckel a écrit :
> Vincent, I figured it out. Syncany walks up the directories and looks for a
> .syncany folder. If one is found, it tries to load the config.xml file. In
> your daemon experiments, you added a folder at ~/.syncany which is
> mistakenly assumed to be a local .syncany folder...

Ah great that you find it. I ran into this problem yesterday and as I
had switched back to the master branch I was completely lost.

> Maybe we should be looking for .syncany/config.xml instead of just .syncany
> ... I'll fix that in the main syncany branch.

I think .syncany is ok. If we need some global configurations, this
should go into ~/.syncanyconfig or ~/.config/syncany/ (I prefer the
latter which quite standard under linux).

Best regards,


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