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Re: Tomdroid 0.4.0 released!


On Sun, 2010-10-10 at 20:10 +0200, Rodja Trappe wrote:
> 1. Install the Android SDK as described on developer.android.com
> 2. fire up Eclipse, install and setup the ADT plugin

Ah, I don't use eclipse. Eclipse must know how to create a build.xml in
some clever way. I'll look into that.

Anyway: I have resolved the Ubuntu One 500 error. What happens *now*
when I try to sync notes (I deleted all my notes at Ubuntu One and
created one single note, then tried syncing) is that Tomdroid
force-closes. This is what I get in adb logcat, which looks like
Tomdroid doesn't like the UUID string for the note.

I/ActivityManager(   85): Starting activity: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER]
flg=0x10200000 cmp=org.tomdroid/.ui.Tomdroid }
I/ActivityManager(   85): Start proc org.tomdroid for activity
org.tomdroid/.ui.Tomdroid: pid=31523 uid=10093 gids={3003}
I/ActivityThread(31523): Publishing provider org.tomdroid.notes:
V/RenderScript_jni(  165): surfaceDestroyed
I/ActivityManager(   85): Displayed activity org.tomdroid/.ui.Tomdroid:
371 ms (total 371 ms)
V/SyncService(31523): sync progress: 0
V/SnowySyncService(31523): Loading Snowy notes
D/dalvikvm(31523): GC_FOR_MALLOC freed 4290 objects / 249296 bytes in
I/WebConnection(31523): Response status : HTTP/1.1 200 OK
I/global  (31523): Default buffer size used in BufferedReader
constructor. It would be better to be explicit if an 8k-char buffer is
I/WebConnection(31523): Received : {"user-name":
"https://login.launchpad.net/+id/7bbFLN4";, "last-name": "Stuart
Langridge", "notes-ref": {"href": "https://one.ubuntu.com/notes/";,
"api-ref": "https://one.ubuntu.com/notes/api/1.0/op/"},
"current-sync-guid": "0", "first-name": "Stuart Langridge",
"latest-sync-revision": 0}
V/SyncService(31523): sync progress: 30
D/dalvikvm(31523): GC_FOR_MALLOC freed 5253 objects / 329256 bytes in
D/dalvikvm(31523): GC_FOR_MALLOC freed 1558 objects / 264136 bytes in
D/NativeCrypto(31523): Freeing OpenSSL session
I/WebConnection(31523): Response status : HTTP/1.1 200 OK
I/global  (31523): Default buffer size used in BufferedReader
constructor. It would be better to be explicit if an 8k-char buffer is
I/WebConnection(31523): Received : {"notes": [{"guid":
"1e6840735d3443c3a5a1bdcac73be3ce", "ref": {"href":
"https://one.ubuntu.com/notes/api/1.0/op/1e6840735d3443c3a5a1bdcac73be3ce"}, "title": "test note 1 on web"}], "latest-sync-revision": 0}
V/SyncService(31523): sync progress: 35
D/NativeCrypto(31523): Freeing OpenSSL session
I/WebConnection(31523): Response status : HTTP/1.1 200 OK
I/global  (31523): Default buffer size used in BufferedReader
constructor. It would be better to be explicit if an 8k-char buffer is
I/WebConnection(31523): Received : {"notes": [{"note-content": "does
this sync?\n\ni r <bold>bold</bold>.\n\nwinn0r.", "title": "test note 1
on web", "create-date": "2010-10-10T21:20:53", "last-sync-revision": 0,
"note-content-version": 1.0, "last-change-date": "2010-10-10T21:20:53",
"guid": "1e6840735d3443c3a5a1bdcac73be3ce", "ref": {"href":
"https://one.ubuntu.com/notes/api/1.0/op/1e6840735d3443c3a5a1bdcac73be3ce"}}], "latest-sync-revision": 0}
V/SyncService(31523): sync progress: 60
D/SyncService(31523): Cursor returned null or 0 notes
V/SyncService(31523): sync progress: 70
V/SyncService(31523): sync progress: 90
W/dalvikvm(31523): threadid=7: thread exiting with uncaught exception
E/AndroidRuntime(31523): FATAL EXCEPTION: pool-5-thread-1
E/AndroidRuntime(31523): java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid
UUID string1e6840735d3443c3a5a1bdcac73be3ce
E/AndroidRuntime(31523): 	at java.util.UUID.fromString(UUID.java:228)
E/AndroidRuntime(31523): 	at org.tomdroid.Note.setGuid(Note.java:169)
E/AndroidRuntime(31523): 	at org.tomdroid.Note.<init>(Note.java:90)
E/AndroidRuntime(31523): 	at org.tomdroid.sync.web.SnowySyncService
E/AndroidRuntime(31523): 	at
E/AndroidRuntime(31523): 	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor
E/AndroidRuntime(31523): 	at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:1096)
W/ActivityManager(   85):   Force finishing activity
V/RenderScript_jni(  165): surfaceCreated
V/RenderScript_jni(  165): surfaceChanged

Follow ups
