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Re: ISO rezsync


On 04/03/2016 02:10 AM, Nio Wiklund wrote:
Den 2016-04-03 kl. 02:35, skrev Israel:
On 04/02/2016 10:19 AM, Cinque Port Computers wrote:
Thanks for progress update Israel; you have great stamina :)


Hi Israel,

Thanks for keeping us informed about your progress :-)

Which version is working better now - Ubuntu Precise or Debian Jessie?

What about the network issue?

Best regards
They both work mostly the same in the installed version, the Debian version has newer packages/libraries/etc... and a few minor issues. The precise installed version has not been updated/rebuilt yet, but upon upgrading things work well.

I am somewhat at a loss as to what has gone wrong in the network-manager stuff. We encountered this issue earlier on, and changing the order things were installed fixed it, but that has not been the case. If anyone can get it working in the live system by hacking around I'd much appreciate knowing what is broken. I have tried various tricks, the only error when running nm-applet seems to be related to notifications, which I squelched using the gnome notifications
I did that by modifying /etc/xdg/autostart/notification-daemon.desktop
Here is the change (in bold)

*This causes it to be automatically started by our nice-start script. And I got the little notification icon and pop-ups when needed. I will add that in to the installed version (at least I will test it first and add it later)

I rebuilt the base for the jessie version, but I am using KVM on this machine instead of VirtualBox so I am still learning how to access the virtual drive to move it to my host computer. I do like KVM much better! I can test a wide range of processors (including ones that need cmov support) So it is quite nice!

I'll continue to keep you updated!

