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Minimizing icon and screenshot transfer size


When using the Apps scope, there's a noticeable delay when loading
icons of search results and screenshots of previews.

This happens because the images being served by the webservice are the
same files uploaded by the developers: for instance, icons are
256x256px PNGs, and up to 150kb each. [1]

Such big files are nice to have in the store, if we at some point need
to show them on a big size on high-dpi laptop screens, but are now
overkill to show as icons on small devices.

So, there seems to be room for improvement if the scope would pass the
desired size in pixels of Icons and Screenshots when making webcalls,
and if the server would take that as a hint to return urls to resized

I think this is to be one of the biggest speed improvements we can
make to the Apps Scope, so I'd like to hear all your thoughts on this.


[1] This page fetches the icons for all apps uploaded as of today:
Looking at it with a browser debug console is very useful to see the
time it takes for each icon to download, and each icon's size in kb.

Follow ups