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Application to join Bug Control from Quinlan Pfiffer


Hello, my name is Quinlan, and I'd like to apply to join Ubuntu Bug
Control. Heres my application:

1. Do you promise to be polite to bug reporters even if they are rude to
you or Ubuntu? Have you signed the Ubuntu Code of Conduct? 

I promise to be as helpful and polite as possible to the people in need
of my assistance.

2. Have you read Bugs/HowToTriage, Bugs/Assignment, Bugs/Status and

I have read each of these documents carefully, and refer back to them if
I feel uncertain about a task/bug/item/whatever.

3. What sensitive data should you look for in a private Apport crash
report bug before making it public? See Bugs/HowToTriage for more

I should look for any personal information passed via Apport before
making the bug public (passwords, name, bank info, boat's name, etc.)

4. Is there a particular package or group of packages that you are
interested in helping out with? 

At this time I am content with simply going through bugs and making life
easier for the developers. If I can get some of the flack out of the
way, I'm happy to be involved.

5 bugs that I have triaged:
(I would give this bug low importance)
(I would keep this bug as undecided, until more info is given)
(Since this bug is resolved, I would just keep it as undecided.)
(This bug would be of medium importance, seeing as it crashes the a
non-core application)
(Obviously I would mark this one as wishlist)

...and that should be it. Hopefully I make the cut. Thanks for the


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