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Re: Mentors and mentees - does it work?


On 01/06/2010 06:46 AM, Pedro Villavicencio Garrido wrote:
> That's why we created the bugsquad-mentorship group, sadly it was a bit
> more than a week before holidays so we didn't had a lot of time to work
> on that, but that's a work in progress for us now.

Yes, and I got myself busy with real-life work, and could not follow up
in a timely way. Sorry.
> Sense raised one important thing there, there's not a lot of people
> triaging those mentorship requests, so if you want to help with that,
> reply to this email so we can start working on setting up a new group of people to perform that task. 

Something like that seems to be needed. For a while I hoped that the
people that signed up for mentors would monitor and select candidates.
This, unfortunately, (mostly) did not work.

I tried, for a while, to monitor the queue and contact mentors via email
or IRC; some answered, some did not. Then I got busy on a complex
customer upgrade process [0], and have not had time to get back to it.

Pedro and I tried to set the mailing list candidates to requests for
membership in the mentorship LP group, but... got hit by an update to LP
that broke the ABI [1]. This would allow us to concentrate on the LP

The mentorship group was/is expected to work as follows:

0. all mentors are administrators to the group;
1. candidates for mentorship request admission to the group; this
generates an email to the group;
2. mentors *were* expected to monitor these emails, and act on them as
2.1 upon accepting a candidate, the mentor will approve her/his membership
2.2 (still manual) the mentor then updates the wiki, adding the mentee
under her/his entry
2.3 on finishing the mentorship, the mentor sends out an email to the
list (and perhaps bug-control?) with her/his view of the mentee, and a
final position -- accepted/rejected.
2.4 the mentor removes the mentee from the group.
3. The mentor's email is then acted on by the group; if the prevalent
view is positive, the bugmeisters will then add the (previous) mentee to
the bug-control group.

The final item may still be subject of discussion, but we felt that a
successful mentorship should end straight into bug-control. I still
think so, by the way.

Obviously, there are a *LOT* of informal takes summarised above; this is
why I wrote "work-in-progress" in the wiki [2], [3]. And, again
obviously, we need to clarify/set the whole thing up. Most of the
changes happened because we felt the (then current) approach would
impose an unneeded burden on the mentors.

There is, still, some actions required from mentors (like following the
influx of candidates, and acting on it), but I am not sure how it can be
minimised *without* the new group Pedro refers to. This, of course, will
shift this burden to the new group.

Those of us that participated in the initial discussions about the
bug-squad/control mentorship programme were -- and still are -- highly
interested in having it in place. I, like many others, have somewhat
informally, mentored many, but I really think a more formal approach is



[0] which is making absolutely true Murphy's Law. Nothing is working as
[1] https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-registry/+bug/498181
[2] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad/Mentors
[3] for example, I am trying to get some mentees to *also* act upstream,
and am monitoring some on bugzilla.gnome.org; the idea is, later on, I
will also ask for more rights for them on b.g.o

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