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ubuntu-gaming team
Mailing list archive
Message #00098
Re: Possibly a great Idea to reach more players
Ah, I see.. I've actually been looking at the Sugar project, I'd think the
activity/group focus and the interface would work pretty well as a game
On Sat, May 2, 2009 at 9:57 PM, Christian Ahmer <barde667@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Thanks Ryan.
> That comes closer to what I thought about.
> Btw. you dismissed something.I plan to use the frontend as a replacement
> for the normal Desktop environment, so that not XFCE is started by the
> loginmanager like gdm. The frontend will be game oriented, but it can use
> whatever program can be installed on Ubuntu.
> You also may build your own frontend so that you can choose which
> applications you want to use often and you can use them directly by a click
> on the related entry / widget on the frontend. So you can use your browser,
> pidgin, whatever program you want to.
> Djl looks nice, maybe I could lend some ideas from it ;-)
> Have a nice day,
> Barde
> 2009/5/2 Ryan Swart <serjndestroy@xxxxxxxxx>
> This idea sounds pretty cool, as I understand it, you will have a full
>> screen interface like Elisa or Ubuntu Netbook Remix, instead of just being a
>> windowed app like Mirthkit or DJL (mirthkit also only seems to support games
>> developed for it)
>> The only problem I see regards the fact that people don't /just/ play
>> games a lot of the time. You like to have controll over your music, have an
>> im client or irc open, heck, even browse the web a lot of the time.. Having
>> an interface that limits you to gaming could be problematic, maybe solved by
>> integrating those activities into the app?
>> But barde, definitely check out DJL <http://en.djl-linux.org/> in the
>> meanwhile, the team has similar objectives and making a nice
>> interface/adding functionality to the project would be awesome :)
>> On Sat, May 2, 2009 at 8:12 PM, Khalid Rashid <khalid.rashid@xxxxxxxxx>wrote:
>>> Hello Barde
>>> I skimmed through your email, so I'm sorry if i missed anything [?] I
>>> think your idea sounds pretty similiar to mirthkit, which is already in
>>> existance and FOSS. Did you check it out?
>>> BR,
>>> *Khalid Rashid <khalid.rashid@xxxxxxxxx>* My PGP public key ID: BFC11F5F<http://keyserver.ubuntu.com:11371/pks/lookup?search=0xCC9370B757DE41F0A9B35496A8F1137DBFC11F5F>
>>> *"In the middle of every difficulty
>>> lies opportunity."* -Albert Einstein
>>> On Sat, May 2, 2009 at 17:54, b4rd3 <barde667@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>> Hi there, Ubuntu Gaming Team.
>>>> Let me shortly introduce myself. I am a 27 years old programmer and web
>>>> designer with a certain dedication to making music, playing games,
>>>> creating media and so on... of course on linux operating systems.
>>>> I primarily used Gentoo Linux for many many years now, but some time ago
>>>> I switched to Ubuntu, 'cause it just means less trouble. At all fronts
>>>> you don't have to fight your system, many things will just work (even
>>>> out of the box). That's an important point these days. Linux evolved and
>>>> many many problems we once had were solved by time. But there's one
>>>> thing remaining:
>>>> We've got too many distributions, so especially developers of games
>>>> don't have all the resources to test their games on every platform or
>>>> distribution. We need a certain "base" - I just call it Ubuntu in these
>>>> days.
>>>> Also, there are too many games that are not really known to the public.
>>>> They are in the repositories, but just few people ever installed them.
>>>> The good ones should be better promoted.
>>>> And now let me explain my idea as quickly as possible...
>>>> Well, I have the idea to write a gaming frontend ( I already have a
>>>> proof of concept - it works). This frontend should replace a normal
>>>> Desktop Environment when Ubuntu is in "Gaming Mode". E.g. if you're
>>>> running XFCE4 or similar, then you would start the frontend ( or make
>>>> the frontend to your standard X11 Environment if you like , just tell
>>>> GDM to start it rather than XFCE/ Gnome/ etc..).
>>>> The frontend that appears then will check the users password ( he has to
>>>> enter it once, so the system can do all things to come automatically
>>>> later on) and check if 3d acceleration is activated as well as an
>>>> internet connection is enabled. These are things that often should run
>>>> just out of the box on a modern ubuntu system. Well, the frontend will
>>>> then offer a list of game categories that you can select and then you
>>>> come to a list containing games to this category. You will see, which
>>>> games are installed at the moment and which ones are not. If the game is
>>>> not installed, the player can just click on an install button and the
>>>> system will apt-get it instantly from the ubuntu repositories (that's
>>>> where the password comes into play). The user even can purge games, if
>>>> he doesn't want to have it on his system anymore. You'll also see if the
>>>> games can be played with more than one player and so on.
>>>> To minimalize the development times of the frontend , my idea is to use
>>>> a ruby based framework called MERB and write the whole frontend as a
>>>> local running web application,rather than program the whole interface in
>>>> a language like C / C++ or whatever. So we basically could use a lot of
>>>> media and the interface can look whatever you like to. Settings will be
>>>> stored in a portable sqlite3 database and the application itself will be
>>>> running as a local user process with the help of the mongrels server,
>>>> that itself is written in ruby/c++.
>>>> With the help of the database, we could extend the system at any time
>>>> without much bliss. The User can update the system database with the
>>>> newly available games and so it can offer more games later on.
>>>> We could extend the application so that it stores some data of the User
>>>> like his nickname and
>>>> Further development could lead to the creation of a gaming league that
>>>> bases on oss games. We could use the system to promote new oss games
>>>> from developers who otherwise wouldn't get much attention, for example.
>>>> So it's clear that this is a lot of work, but with the help of some of
>>>> you guys, we could get something together in the not too far away
>>>> future. Xorg X11 development makes good progress in these days and 3d
>>>> games and engines will support linux, if just a broader community would
>>>> shine on.
>>>> Maybe we could even use wine... writing scripts to automatically install
>>>> windows games from cd /dvd that otherwise would be a pain to install for
>>>> most users. There are plenty of ideas, we just have to stand up and the
>>>> penguin out.
>>>> many greetings from austria to everyone who reads this.
>>>> btw. i say "thank you" to every bit of comment or criticism
>>>> regards,
>>>> barde
>>>> --
>>>> This message was sent from Launchpad by the user
>>>> b4rd3 (https://launchpad.net/~barde667<https://launchpad.net/%7Ebarde667>
>>>> )
>>>> using the "Contact this team" link on the Ubuntu Gaming Team team page.
>>>> For more information see
>>>> https://help.launchpad.net/YourAccount/ContactingPeople
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