It is entirely possible this is what happened. Many screenshots were
missing in chapter two (and still are, but I've already committed to
getting the rest of the shots up by Wednesday). I simply followed the
file names as prescribed in the "missing screenshot" box, grabbed the
screenshot, named the file to match what was indicated, put them in
the /screenshot folder, committed, and pushed. While I'm not sure how
I would have overwritten what may have already been there, it's
entirely possible this is what happened.
Odd that you had a conflict!? I compiled with no issues, then
committed with no conflicts. What can I do to resolve this conflict
you are seeing?
Let me know.
On Tue, May 29, 2012 at 1:00 AM, Hannie Dumoleyn
<lafeber-dumoleyn2@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:lafeber-dumoleyn2@xxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
Hi Jim,
The last revision I pulled (60) gave me a conflict:
SystemSettings.png. May I ask if you replaced the screenshot I
made and pushed by another one?