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On 06/01/2012 10:16 AM, Christian Giordano wrote:
My only concern on having both files and widgets in the Desktop, as you
propose, is the weirdness of accessing the Desktop folder from the
filesystem and not being able to see the widgets, at least not in a
meaningful way.

Maybe a good approach could be to list and eventually explore "every"

What defines widgets in this sense?

I'd say: single window programs that are started automatically and kept running during the entire session. This leaves their selection, removal and visibility/stacking management open to design.

Any objections or additions to the above?

Typical examples are fancy clocks and weather displays, but care should be taken to not derive needless limitations from these.

Not at all complete:

A: Widgets on the desktop
- Reuse of an existing concept
- Adding and removing widgets can be a file operation
- Any visible application window will be on a layer above all widgets. So the user will often have to move windows out of the way, if they want to see widgets.

The mix of folders/files and widgets in the Desktop folder is not necessarily a problem. Widgets could have representations that work in list views, perhaps.

B: Widgets grouped in a layer, that appears in the Launcher similar to a single application
- Relatively small addition to existing concepts, making use of similarity
- Widgets can be raised over all application windows
- There still needs to either z-order handling or a distinct layout management in the layer
- A new kind of item in the Launcher
- Requires distinct means of adding and removing widgets

C: Widgets as applications
- Z-order/layout and visibility management is already solved and kept uniform.
- Widgets must have a titlebar, or a new mechanism taking on its job
- Automatic starting of widgets with the session must be made clear to the user somehow (though I would advocate complete session recall, making this point moot)

Or another way to go at it:

Extending what application windows can do to accommodate the needs of widgets
Introducing a new kind of window

Representing widgets in the filesystem
Not doing so

Tile/Grid layout
overlapping, stacked

Grouping all widgets
Having them in one space with application windows

Thorsten Wilms

thorwil's design for free software:
