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Re: WIKI, what can we do?


I moved even more pages to "delete" (mostly from "update").
I plan to remove all "blueprints", I don't see any of them relevant for opening LP blueprints, they would be redundant or outdated.

I moved a few links out of "sphinx" (mainly "Yade community" and few others). Clearly, there is no implication on the wiki/sphinx aspect, it is just meant to structure a consistent "overview" page, with links pointing to sphinx eventually. Could you please help me find the good target in sphinx for pages listed in "sphinx" category?

In that case, I suggest to put as much as possible (i.e. everything not _really_ technical) on the wiki. Since harder updates (finding the files, syntax, no live feedback) will sum up with lazyness to prevent sphinx changes.

I would prefere put everything into sphinx for that reason (so far, it
has not been the case that people edit wiki because it is easier; there
were almost no edits at all, excapt everybody his/her page of interest).
Well. I'm editing it. And I'm focusing on the main wiki page, which is not especialy my page of interest.

Sphinx has several benefits which the wiki doesn't, among which:

* live yade sessions (i.e. the output in Out [43]: is really generated
by yade as the documentation is processed, not copy&pasted, therefore
always up to date)
Of course. That is why I refered to "everything not really technical". We don't want general discussions, videos and screenshots in Yade terminal, do we? (what is "Out [43]:", sorry)
Ok, why not. The only thing I'm wondering is if first-time visitors will not loose themselves in reference manuals before checking the wiki.

That is just a matter of designing the title page clearly. Currently, it
is not very well structured, but there is nolimits to your fantasy in
this respect, it is a pure HTML (doc/sphinx/templates/index.html FYI).
Mmmmh... For now, let my fantasy make a consistent wiki home page, it is needed anyway. If you feel like cloning that home page in index.html in the end, feel free. I have no clue on html.
think newcomers don't care what is wiki and what is sphinx, but they
want to know what they want to know.
Yes. That's why I think wiki and sphinx can be safely cross-linked in many places. The main question for the newcomer is to find general information on Yade first, then go to detailed documentation if he decides to give it a try.

(btw, I didn't find any wiki in your links, bad examples?).

from https://yade-dem.org/sphinx/ , second paragraph:
The question was not for yade but for this : "We wouldn't be the first ones to do that (e.g.
http://docs.python.org/ or http://matplotlib.sourceforge.net/)".
I misunderstood in what aspect we wouldn't be the first probably, nevermind.



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