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Re: how can I simulate plane of glass


2010/3/31 Václav Šmilauer <eudoxos@xxxxxxxx>

>  As of now, there is no class to compute 6 DOF relative displacement of 2
> spheres (both ScGeom and Dem3DofGeom compute only normal + shear, but
> not bending and torsion), though following that paper, it shouldn't be
> difficult to implement.
> It seems that you don't need that for the Zang+Lei+Wang paper (they use
> just 3 dofs)
> There is no use for Cpm in yout case, it is too complicated. You
> definitely have to write you code.
> For constitutive law itself, it is rather easy; you essentially need to
> give the failure criterion, and write a few lines that will compute
> forces from displacements.
> If you need to use their formulas to compute contact stiffnesses
> (42,43), you will have to write an Ip2 functor (not difficult either).
> Before you get into that, make sure you understand how Yade works.
> Mailing list cannot replace you reading the documentation thoroughly
> (https://www.yade-dem.org/sphinx/, work in progress).
> Cheers, Vaclav
I have read (https://www.yade-dem.org/sphinx/, work in progress)
also this paper:
*A new open-source software developed for numerical simulations using
discrete modeling methods(J. Kozicki,F.V. Donze*)

First,I want to use your laws and then write my code and compare the
For using your codes, I don't know which classes are suitable for me, and
when I create a plane, it seems that the spheres are not attached together,
isn't it?
A plane is a continuum media, how can I have it?
and the constraints on it's edge?
I will read  "CohesiveFrictionalPM" that Luc scholtes proposal,
what do you feel about it?

Nasibeh Moradi

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