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Messages sent to the yahoo-eng-team mailing list, ordered by thread from the newest to oldest.
200 of 95172 messages, page
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[Bug 1600109] Re: Unit tests should not perform logging, but some tests still use
[Bug 1600109] Re: Unit tests should not perform logging, but some tests still use
From: Launchpad Bug Tracker, 2018-05-21
[Bug 1600109] Re: Unit tests should not perform logging, but some tests still use
From: Launchpad Bug Tracker, 2018-05-21
[Bug 1600109] Re: Unit tests should not perform logging, but some tests still use
From: Cyril Roelandt, 2022-09-28
[Bug 1600094] [NEW] Text and checkbox are not aligned in "Create Project" form
From: qiaomin032, 2016-07-08
[Bug 1600094] Re: Text and checkbox are not aligned in "Create Project" form
From: OpenStack Infra, 2016-12-14
[Bug 1600080] [NEW] o not allow "white space" as name field value in "Edit Flavor" form
From: qiaomin032, 2016-07-08
[Bug 1600080] Re: Do not allow "white space" as name field value in "Edit Flavor" form
From: Gary W. Smith, 2017-09-15
[Bug 1600070] [NEW] 'tox -e docs' fails due to wrong JSON format
From: Takashi NATSUME, 2016-07-08
[Bug 1600070] Re: 'tox -e docs' fails due to wrong JSON format
From: OpenStack Infra, 2016-07-13
[Bug 1600068] [NEW] Cannot run tox using python 3
From: Brandon Logan, 2016-07-08
[Bug 1600068] Re: Cannot run tox using python 3
From: OpenStack Infra, 2016-07-08
[Bug 1600067] [NEW] The Description "Update Group" form is not right
From: qiaomin032, 2016-07-08
[Bug 1600067] Re: The Description "Update Group" form is not right
From: OpenStack Infra, 2016-07-12
[Bug 1600062] [NEW] Click "Edit Flavor" should open "Flavor information" tab
From: qiaomin032, 2016-07-08
[Bug 1600062] Re: Click "Edit Flavor" should open "Flavor information" tab
From: OpenStack Infra, 2016-07-19
[Bug 1598219] Re: Networking API v2.0 (CURRENT): Create subnet Request parameters missing the 'no-gateway' option.
From: KATO Tomoyuki, 2016-07-07
[Bug 1600031] [NEW] libvirt: KeyError in _get_disk_over_committed_size_total
From: Matt Riedemann, 2016-07-07
[Bug 1600031] Re: libvirt: KeyError in _get_disk_over_committed_size_total
From: OpenStack Infra, 2016-07-11
[Bug 1598219] [NEW] Networking API v2.0 (CURRENT): Create subnet Request parameters missing the 'no-gateway' option.
From: Launchpad Bug Tracker, 2016-07-07
[Bug 1600008] [NEW] heat environment
From: Kevin Fox, 2016-07-07
[Bug 1600008] Re: Creating heat stack does not pre-fill params from env
From: Akihiro Motoki, 2017-12-01
[Bug 1600004] [NEW] UX: Inconsistent table color in Flavor Popover
From: Eddie Ramirez, 2016-07-07
[Bug 1600004] Re: UX: Inconsistent table color in Flavor Popover
From: Vishal Manchanda, 2021-08-26
[Bug 1600005] [NEW] gate-tempest-dsvm-postgres-full failing on node ovh
From: Tom Swanson, 2016-07-07
[Bug 1600005] Re: gate-tempest-dsvm-postgres-full ssh timeout failures spiking since 7/4 (or 7/7)
From: Matt Riedemann, 2016-07-12
[Bug 1599982] [NEW] when create a project from the create user modal, the project is not automatically selected
From: Daniel Castellanos, 2016-07-07
[Bug 1599982] Re: when create a project from the create user modal, the project is not automatically selected
From: Gary W. Smith, 2017-10-19
[Bug 1599983] [NEW] Python 3.5 gate exposes issue in webob.response status code type
From: Eric Brown, 2016-07-07
[Bug 1599983] Re: Python 3.5 gate exposes issue in webob.response status code type
From: OpenStack Infra, 2016-07-09
[Bug 1599964] [NEW] neutron-ovs-cleanup fails in python 3
From: Sirushti Murugesan, 2016-07-07
[Bug 1599964] Re: neutron-ovs-cleanup fails in python 3
From: Armando Migliaccio, 2017-02-01
[Bug 1599936] [NEW] l2gw provider config prevents *aas provider config from being loaded
From: YAMAMOTO Takashi, 2016-07-07
[Bug 1599936] Re: l2gw provider config prevents *aas provider config from being loaded
From: Ihar Hrachyshka, 2016-09-06
[Bug 1599936] Re: l2gw provider config prevents *aas provider config from being loaded
From: OpenStack Infra, 2016-12-01
[Bug 1599936] Re: l2gw provider config prevents *aas provider config from being loaded
From: Ricardo Noriega, 2017-09-11
[Bug 1599936] Re: l2gw provider config prevents *aas provider config from being loaded
From: Dr. Jens Harbott, 2018-06-05
[Bug 1599936] Re: l2gw provider config prevents *aas provider config from being loaded
From: Lajos Katona, 2022-10-18
[Bug 1599911] [NEW] os-keypairs api-ref doesn't include user_id request parameter for listing keypairs for another user
From: Matt Riedemann, 2016-07-07
[Bug 1599911] Re: os-keypairs api-ref doesn't include user_id request parameter for listing keypairs for another user
From: OpenStack Infra, 2016-07-12
[Bug 1599908] [NEW] UX: Dropdown "Projects" in Navbar displays scrollbar when not needed
From: Eddie Ramirez, 2016-07-07
[Bug 1599908] Re: UX: Dropdown "Projects" in Navbar displays scrollbar when not needed
From: Launchpad Bug Tracker, 2017-12-16
[Bug 1599904] [NEW] There is no API sample functional test for listing keypairs for another user
From: Matt Riedemann, 2016-07-07
[Bug 1599904] Re: There is no API sample functional test for listing keypairs for another user
From: OpenStack Infra, 2016-08-30
[Bug 1599889] [NEW] Change tunnel MTU calculation to support IPv6
From: OpenStack Infra, 2016-07-07
[Bug 1599889] Re: Change tunnel MTU calculation to support IPv6
From: Rohan Arora, 2016-10-14
[Bug 1599698] Re: Associating a floating IP address to a server through Horizon failed
From: Brian Haley, 2016-07-07
<Possible follow-ups>
[Bug 1599698] Re: Associating a floating IP address to a server through Horizon failed
From: OpenStack Infra, 2016-07-09
[Bug 1599698] [NEW] Associating a floating IP address to a server through Horizon failed
From: Launchpad Bug Tracker, 2016-07-07
[Bug 1599857] [NEW] openstack project create cannot find default domain
From: Shutimano, 2016-07-07
[Bug 1599857] Re: openstack project create cannot find default domain
From: Steve Martinelli, 2016-08-03
[Bug 1599840] [NEW] Remove foreign key during db upgrade not remove unique constraint for it
From: Slawek Kaplonski, 2016-07-07
[Bug 1599840] Re: Remove foreign key during db upgrade not remove unique constraint for it
From: OpenStack Infra, 2016-07-12
[Bug 1599836] [NEW] Booting Ironic instance, neutron port remains in DOWN state
From: Vasyl Saienko, 2016-07-07
[Bug 1599836] Re: Booting Ironic instance, neutron port remains in DOWN state
From: Vasyl Saienko, 2016-07-08
[Bug 1599836] Re: Booting Ironic instance, neutron port remains in DOWN state
From: Vasyl Saienko, 2017-11-06
[Bug 1599836] Re: Booting Ironic instance, neutron port remains in DOWN state
From: Ruby Loo, 2018-03-14
[Bug 1599818] [NEW] Horizon has missing OS_API_IDENTITY_VERSION in Openstack RC file for V3
From: Paul Karikh, 2016-07-07
[Bug 1599818] Re: Horizon has missing OS_API_IDENTITY_VERSION in Openstack RC file for V3
From: Paul Karikh, 2016-07-07
[Bug 1599801] [NEW] Unexpected API Error.
From: adolfo.compagnone@xxxxxxxxx, 2016-07-07
[Bug 1599801] Re: Unexpected API Error.
From: Launchpad Bug Tracker, 2016-10-30
[Bug 1599787] [NEW] The documentation of disk=0 in flavor is misleading
From: Balazs Gibizer, 2016-07-07
[Bug 1599787] Re: The documentation of disk=0 in flavor is misleading
From: OpenStack Infra, 2016-09-19
[Bug 1599781] [NEW] [stable/liberty] LBaaS v2 haproxy: ROUND_ROBIN algorithm doesnt seems to work as expected
From: Prashant Shetty, 2016-07-07
[Bug 1599781] Re: [stable/liberty] LBaaS v2 haproxy: ROUND_ROBIN algorithm doesnt seems to work as expected
From: Prashant Shetty, 2016-07-20
[Bug 1599718] [NEW] json formatter is of no use
From: Sharat Sharma, 2016-07-07
[Bug 1599718] Re: json formatter is of no use
From: John Perkins, 2016-07-07
[Bug 1599694] [NEW] RFE: make ca-certs work on Fedora
From: Garrett Holmstrom, 2016-07-07
[Bug 1599694] Re: RFE: make ca-certs work on Fedora
From: James Falcon, 2023-05-10
[Bug 1599688] [NEW] host.py assertion error during NOVA handling of HUP signal
From: Xuanzhou Perry Dong, 2016-07-07
[Bug 1599688] Re: host.py assertion error during NOVA handling of HUP signal
From: OpenStack Infra, 2017-02-25
[Bug 1599643] [NEW] Bug 1370570 has come back
From: Armando Migliaccio, 2016-07-06
[Bug 1599643] Re: Bug 1370570 has come back
From: OpenStack Infra, 2016-07-07
[Bug 1599595] [NEW] Minor grammar mistake
From: Sindhu Devale, 2016-07-06
[Bug 1599595] Re: Minor grammar mistake
From: Akihiro Motoki, 2016-09-18
[Bug 1599590] [NEW] API docs for tenant-id/flavors/detail does not include is_public flag
From: Nate Johnston, 2016-07-06
[Bug 1599590] Re: API docs for tenant-id/flavors/detail does not include is_public flag
From: yuntongjin, 2016-07-07
[Bug 1599585] [NEW] Neutron LBaaS: Scenario tests broke with latest tempest changes
From: Brandon Logan, 2016-07-06
[Bug 1599585] Re: Neutron LBaaS: Scenario tests broke with latest tempest changes
From: OpenStack Infra, 2016-07-06
[Bug 1599574] [NEW] "upgrade --expand" alembic migration failure
From: Travis Truman, 2016-07-06
[Bug 1599574] Re: "upgrade --expand" alembic migration failure
From: OpenStack Infra, 2016-07-06
[Bug 1599553] [NEW] glanceclient reports CommunicationError while finding address
From: Darren Hoyland, 2016-07-06
[Bug 1599553] Re: glanceclient reports CommunicationError while finding address
From: Cyril Roelandt, 2023-05-05
[Bug 1599546] [NEW] Make validation patterns configurable
From: Lance Bragstad, 2016-07-06
[Bug 1599546] Re: Make validation patterns configurable
From: Morgan Fainberg, 2018-10-24
[Bug 1599508] [NEW] nova api: Unexpected API Error
From: Einar Næss Jensen, 2016-07-06
[Bug 1599488] [NEW] [RFE] Enhance Quota API calls to return resource usage per tenant
From: Timur Sufiev, 2016-07-06
[Bug 1599488] Re: [RFE] Enhance Quota API calls to return resource usage per tenant
From: Rodolfo Alonso, 2022-10-19
[Bug 1599473] [NEW] guest with direct port send broadcast request on dhcp renew in case guest and dhcp on the same physical node
From: edan david, 2016-07-06
[Bug 1599473] Re: guest with direct port send broadcast request on dhcp renew in case guest and dhcp on the same physical node
From: OpenStack Infra, 2016-07-14
[Bug 1599461] [NEW] Missing fields in router details page
From: Rob Cresswell, 2016-07-06
[Bug 1599461] Re: Missing fields in router details page
From: OpenStack Infra, 2016-07-26
[Bug 1599456] [NEW] TrunksSearchCriteriaTest should check the extension
From: YAMAMOTO Takashi, 2016-07-06
[Bug 1599456] Re: TrunksSearchCriteriaTest should check the extension
From: OpenStack Infra, 2016-07-06
[Bug 1599435] [NEW] help of numa_get_reserved_huge_pages is not accurate.
From: liuxiuli, 2016-07-06
[Bug 1599435] Re: help of numa_get_reserved_huge_pages is not accurate.
From: OpenStack Infra, 2016-07-18
[Bug 1599417] [NEW] NUMATopologyFilter will not choose numa node which has sibling but not request and other vcpus match request when only one node has sibling while host has two node when cpu_thread_policy is prefer.
From: liuxiuli, 2016-07-06
[Bug 1599411] [NEW] NUMATopologyFilter fail when only one node has sibling while host has two node when cpu_thread_policy is require.
From: liuxiuli, 2016-07-06
[Bug 1599400] [NEW] nova boot has unexpected API error
From: Yingxin, 2016-07-06
[Bug 1599400] Re: nova boot has unexpected API error
From: Stephen Finucane, 2020-09-21
[Bug 1599389] [NEW] In adv-config-address-scopes.rst,the cidr of subnet that created from a subnetpool didn't match the prefixes of the subnetpool
From: xiewj, 2016-07-06
[Bug 1599389] [NEW] In adv-config-address-scopes.rst,the cidr of subnet that created from a subnetpool didn't match the prefixes of the subnetpool
From: Launchpad Bug Tracker, 2016-07-06
[Bug 1599389] Re: In adv-config-address-scopes.rst,the cidr of subnet that created from a subnetpool didn't match the prefixes of the subnetpool
From: Akihiro Motoki, 2016-09-18
[Bug 1599385] [NEW] barbican's secret_ref created by nova misses barbican version
From: Jiong Liu, 2016-07-06
[Bug 1599385] Re: barbican's secret_ref created by nova misses barbican version
From: Jiong Liu, 2016-07-08
[Bug 1599382] [NEW] neutron-lbaas-agent concurrency is too low
From: zhangliang, 2016-07-06
[Bug 1599381] [NEW] Add bandwidth quota of certain tenant's floating-ips
From: LiuYong, 2016-07-06
[Bug 1599381] Re: [RFE] Add bandwidth quota of certain tenant's floating-ips
From: Launchpad Bug Tracker, 2016-09-13
[Bug 1599377] [NEW] nova should raise http 409 instead of 500 when get a error instance diagnostics
From: Eli Qiao, 2016-07-06
[Bug 1599377] Re: nova should raise http 409 instead of 500 when get a error instance diagnostics
From: OpenStack Infra, 2016-07-27
[Bug 1599359] [NEW] Typo in contribute.rst
From: Anindita Das, 2016-07-06
[Bug 1599359] Re: Typo in contribute.rst
From: Anindita Das, 2016-07-11
[Bug 1599343] [NEW] VPNaaS should have a fullstack job that actually tests itself, not neutron
From: Ryan Moats, 2016-07-06
[Bug 1599343] Re: VPNaaS should have a fullstack job that actually tests itself, not neutron
From: Launchpad Bug Tracker, 2017-04-08
[Bug 1599329] [NEW] Potential regression on handing over DHCP addresses to VMs
From: Armando Migliaccio, 2016-07-06
[Bug 1599329] Re: Potential regression on handing over DHCP addresses to VMs
From: Miguel Lavalle, 2016-10-06
[Bug 1599329] Re: Potential regression on handing over DHCP addresses to VMs
From: Miguel Lavalle, 2016-10-06
[Bug 1599329] Re: Potential regression on handing over DHCP addresses to VMs
From: Kevin Benton, 2016-10-06
[Bug 1599314] [NEW] Return 400 when name is more than 255 characters
From: OpenStack Infra, 2016-07-05
[Bug 1599314] Re: Return 400 when name is more than 255 characters
From: OpenStack Infra, 2016-07-12
[Bug 1599296] [NEW] Keystone error message for duplicate entries doesn't have enough information
From: Shawn Berger, 2016-07-05
[Bug 1599296] Re: exception.Conflict does not give specifics
From: OpenStack Infra, 2016-12-14
[Bug 1599287] [NEW] Cleanup snat redirect rules when agent restarts after stale snat namespace is cleaned.
From: Swaminathan Vasudevan, 2016-07-05
[Bug 1599287] Re: Cleanup snat redirect rules when agent restarts after stale snat namespace is cleaned.
From: OpenStack Infra, 2016-08-29
[Bug 1599275] [NEW] Deprecate min_l3_agents_per_router option
From: Armando Migliaccio, 2016-07-05
[Bug 1599275] Re: Deprecate min_l3_agents_per_router option
From: OpenStack Infra, 2016-07-10
[Bug 1599262] [NEW] Destructive buttons on modal should be red
From: Ying Zuo, 2016-07-05
[Bug 1599262] Re: Destructive buttons on modal should be red
From: OpenStack Infra, 2017-11-09
[Bug 1599260] [NEW] Old version information should be configurable
From: Andreas Jaeger, 2016-07-05
[Bug 1599260] Re: Old version information should be configurable
From: Steve Martinelli, 2016-07-11
[Bug 1599260] Re: Old version information should be configurable
From: OpenStack Infra, 2016-07-15
[Bug 1599260] Re: Old version information should be configurable
From: Steve Martinelli, 2016-07-15
[Bug 1599256] [NEW] instance_get_all_by_filters can perform unnecessary joins
From: Andrew Garner, 2016-07-05
[Bug 1599256] Re: instance_get_all_by_filters can perform unnecessary joins
From: OpenStack Infra, 2016-10-03
[Bug 1599201] [NEW] Device tagging does not work with block_device_mapping with source=blank, destination=local
From: Artom Lifshitz, 2016-07-05
[Bug 1599201] Re: Device tagging does not work with block_device_mapping with source=blank, destination=local
From: Matt Riedemann, 2016-09-23
[Bug 1599192] [NEW] glance-replicator size: Display human-readable size
From: Marc Abramowitz, 2016-07-05
[Bug 1599192] Re: glance-replicator size: Display human-readable size
From: OpenStack Infra, 2016-07-10
[Bug 1599187] [NEW] glance-replicator size: Handle no slavetoken case better
From: Marc Abramowitz, 2016-07-05
[Bug 1599187] Re: glance-replicator size: Handle no slavetoken case better
From: Cyril Roelandt, 2022-07-18
[Bug 1599169] [NEW] glance-replicator size raises "object of type 'NoneType' has no len()" exception when no args provided
From: Marc Abramowitz, 2016-07-05
[Bug 1599169] Re: glance-replicator size raises "object of type 'NoneType' has no len()" exception when no args provided
From: OpenStack Infra, 2016-07-22
[Bug 1599123] [NEW] Glance API doesn't work in IPv6 only environment
From: Tomislav Sukser, 2016-07-05
[Bug 1599123] Re: Glance API doesn't work in IPv6 only environment
From: Nikhil Komawar, 2016-09-02
[Bug 1599111] [NEW] HTTP exception thrown: Unexpected API Error
From: Madhuri Kumari, 2016-07-05
[Bug 1599111] Re: HTTP exception thrown: Unexpected API Error
From: John Garbutt, 2016-07-14
[Bug 1270470] Re: nova.servicegroup.drivers.db error in n-cpu log after successful tempest run
From: Markus Zoeller (markus_z), 2016-07-05
[Bug 1291835] Re: Repeated volume attach can cause u'message': u'The supplied device path (/dev/vdc) is in use.'
From: Markus Zoeller (markus_z), 2016-07-05
[Bug 1335889] Re: Race condition in quickly attaching / deleting volumes
From: Markus Zoeller (markus_z), 2016-07-05
<Possible follow-ups>
[Bug 1335889] Re: Race condition in quickly attaching / deleting volumes
From: OpenStack Infra, 2017-01-23
[Bug 1337461] Re: Race conditions with builds and deletes in Ironic driver
From: Markus Zoeller (markus_z), 2016-07-05
[Bug 1361791] Re: [api-ref]Allow attaching external networks based on configurable policy
From: Markus Zoeller (markus_z), 2016-07-05
[Bug 1368073] Re: [Security-NIST]SimpleDH in nova/virt/xenapi/agent.py does not fit the NIST
From: Markus Zoeller (markus_z), 2016-07-05
[Bug 1382268] Re: [api-ref]Add notification for server group operations
From: Markus Zoeller (markus_z), 2016-07-05
[Bug 1018253] Re: No error message prompt during attaching when mountpoint is occupied
From: Markus Zoeller (markus_z), 2016-07-05
<Possible follow-ups>
[Bug 1018253] Re: No error message prompt during attaching when mountpoint is occupied
From: Gary W. Smith, 2017-09-14
[Bug 1018253] Re: No error message prompt during attaching when mountpoint is occupied
From: Simon O'Donovan, 2020-04-01
[Bug 1018253] Re: No error message prompt during attaching when mountpoint is occupied
From: Balazs Gibizer, 2020-04-23
[Bug 1018253] Re: No error message prompt during attaching when mountpoint is occupied
From: Launchpad Bug Tracker, 2021-04-30
[Bug 1039665] Re: Creating Neutron L2 networks (without subnets) doesn't work as expected
From: Markus Zoeller (markus_z), 2016-07-05
[Bug 1045248] Re: dhcp server defaults to gateway for filtering when unset
From: Markus Zoeller (markus_z), 2016-07-05
[Bug 1072734] Re: Improve instance state recovery for Compute service failure during Create Server
From: Markus Zoeller (markus_z), 2016-07-05
[Bug 1080278] Re: addFloatingIp multi-network specifying interface/fixed_ip
From: Markus Zoeller (markus_z), 2016-07-05
[Bug 1084138] Re: nova should not need glance servers in nova.conf
From: Markus Zoeller (markus_z), 2016-07-05
[Bug 1153827] Re: soft delete values in InstanceSystemMetadata on instance delete
From: Markus Zoeller (markus_z), 2016-07-05
[Bug 1154162] Re: Cache calls to "qemu-img info"
From: Markus Zoeller (markus_z), 2016-07-05
[Bug 1160487] Re: Nova list is extremely slow with lots of vms
From: Markus Zoeller (markus_z), 2016-07-05
[Bug 1161441] Re: Admin can't add network to project
From: Markus Zoeller (markus_z), 2016-07-05
[Bug 1177005] Re: XenAPI driver not reporting progress in notifications
From: Markus Zoeller (markus_z), 2016-07-05
[Bug 1177103] Re: GlusterFS volume mount should check for O_DIRECT support
From: Markus Zoeller (markus_z), 2016-07-05
[Bug 1179443] Re: Route on public_interface gets lost when using nova-network
From: Markus Zoeller (markus_z), 2016-07-05
[Bug 1182378] Re: [Hyper-V] VM status keeps shown as RESIZE even if the host of the VM is down
From: Markus Zoeller (markus_z), 2016-07-05
[Bug 1187330] Re: nova-compute does not respect reserved memory for dom0 when using libvirt/XEN
From: Markus Zoeller (markus_z), 2016-07-05
[Bug 1192287] Re: Creating server did not fail when exceeded Quantum quota limit
From: Markus Zoeller (markus_z), 2016-07-05
[Bug 1195720] Re: response to vm spawn may contain invalid values
From: Markus Zoeller (markus_z), 2016-07-05
[Bug 1204165] Re: xenapi: vm_utils.ensure_free_mem does not take into account overheads
From: Markus Zoeller (markus_z), 2016-07-05
[Bug 1205177] Re: VM Ip-address isn't updated when port-info changed on Neutron's side immediately
From: Markus Zoeller (markus_z), 2016-07-05
[Bug 1211022] Re: In a cell setup when querying instance details using nova api in the parent cell OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:instance_name could be wrong
From: Markus Zoeller (markus_z), 2016-07-05
[Bug 1211784] Re: nova-network associates wrong network
From: Markus Zoeller (markus_z), 2016-07-05
[Bug 1215928] Re: xenapi: image size calculation ignores container_format
From: Markus Zoeller (markus_z), 2016-07-05
[Bug 1223396] Re: Rescue does not provide access to ephemeral disk
From: Markus Zoeller (markus_z), 2016-07-05
[Bug 1223431] Re: Race condition during init_host
From: Markus Zoeller (markus_z), 2016-07-05
[Bug 1224587] Re: xenapi: secgroups are not in place for a short duration after live-migration
From: Markus Zoeller (markus_z), 2016-07-05
[Bug 1226271] Re: VM state automatically transits from ERROR to ACTIVE
From: Markus Zoeller (markus_z), 2016-07-05
[Bug 1226777] Re: timeout control on DB access is missing
From: Markus Zoeller (markus_z), 2016-07-05
[Bug 1227143] Re: InstanceInfoCache is not always updated with concurrent instance creation
From: Markus Zoeller (markus_z), 2016-07-05
[Bug 1228804] Re: Need raise exception when performing action on instance if compute service is down
From: Markus Zoeller (markus_z), 2016-07-05
[Bug 1230089] Re: nova floating-ip-bulk-list didn't work if use neutron as networking
From: Markus Zoeller (markus_z), 2016-07-05
[Bug 1231874] Re: attaching a volume to a VM booted form an iso image fails
From: Markus Zoeller (markus_z), 2016-07-05
[Bug 1240200] Re: VMwareVCDriver and VMwareESXDriver doesn't update memory, disk and cpu usage to account for externally allocated VMs
From: Markus Zoeller (markus_z), 2016-07-05
[Bug 1240584] Re: instance migration action shouldn't be allowed when there are existed VNC sessions
From: Markus Zoeller (markus_z), 2016-07-05
[Bug 1241659] Re: resize returns success when the command is invoked to target flavor size, but doesn't reflect in reality.
From: Markus Zoeller (markus_z), 2016-07-05
[Bug 1241806] Re: Reboot operation fails if force_disk_config is switched to True after spawning
From: Markus Zoeller (markus_z), 2016-07-05
<Possible follow-ups>
[Bug 1241806] Re: Reboot operation fails if force_disk_config is switched to True after spawning
From: Timofey Durakov, 2016-09-26
[Bug 1241806] Re: Reboot operation fails if force_disk_config is switched to True after spawning
From: pandatt, 2019-06-04
[Bug 1243601] Re: Insufficient RPC default timeout for pre_live_migration
From: Markus Zoeller (markus_z), 2016-07-05
[Bug 1243614] Re: with ssl/tls configured novnc nova doesn't provide a https link without editing the config file
From: Markus Zoeller (markus_z), 2016-07-05
[Bug 1245560] Re: vcpu_weight in flavor-create API is not validated
From: Markus Zoeller (markus_z), 2016-07-05
[Bug 1246668] Re: delete quota shouldn't delete the data of resources which in use or reserve
From: Markus Zoeller (markus_z), 2016-07-05
[Bug 1246761] Re: used limits api doesn't return security group rules correctly
From: Markus Zoeller (markus_z), 2016-07-05
[Bug 1250836] Re: Updating of instance metadata occasionally leads to a Database deadlock
From: Markus Zoeller (markus_z), 2016-07-05
200 of 95172 messages, page
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