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Re: Greetings + new DHIS patient module



On 3 March 2010 12:20, Viet Nguyen <phamquocviet@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi,
> Just a quick update about Patient registration form functionality :
> * Check duplicate :
> This function allow user to check for existing patient base on : name ,
> birthdate, age, gender
> If there is duplicate patient, a pop up will be showed, with the list of all
> the duplicated patients.
> From this pop up, user can have two options :
> Continue create the current patient. So there will be two patients with the
> same information like above. But their  identifiers must be different which
> will be checked later.
> User can choose a patient from the list duplicated patient to update
> information for him, by click on the button "Update this patient" that
> follow by each patient in the list. User will then be redirected to the
> Update Patient page.
> * Under age patient :
> Under age patient can be understand as a child. The purpose of this field is
> not to hard code the age to define a child, like  age < 5  or age < 15.
> In the registration form, there is a check box named " Is Underage" .  User
> check on this check box to identify the patient is a child.  A pop up will
> be showed after clicking.
> The purpose of this pop up is :  user must choose a representative for this
> child.  Because , some  identifiers that are mandatory ( can be defined in
> Patient Identifier Type management page ) . But a child can not have those
> identifier, so we have to inherit those identifier from the child's
> representative.
> Not all identifier can be inherited, you can defined a PatientIdentiferType
> is able to inherit or not when creating it.  The field name is  "Related"
> ... ( God ...why didn't I use" Inheritable" .... ) .
> If a PatientIdentifierType with "related" = FALSE and "mandatory" = TRUE
> then user must enter value for it.
> Ok, back to the popup, there are two tabs :
> Search existing person : user can search for an existing patient in system
> to be the representative of the child.
> Add new person : said this is person, because this is not really a patient,
> this person is just giving identifier...not enrolling to any program, at
> least at this step. Of course the record is also saved to the patient table.
> The form just only include basic information ( name , birthdate, gender.. )
> and Identifiers.  No attributes is needed. Of course  user can update
> attributes for this person later by the Update Patient page.
> One problem in this function that I can not have enough time to do :
> In the combo box Relationship Type, there should be Parent and Guardian, I
> hard coded this. You should create two relationship type  with this
> information before testing this function :
>    A is to B : Guardian, B is to A : Child
>    A is to B : Parent , B is to A : Child.
> The list of relationship type should be get from the Relationship type
> table. But if we put everything to the combo box, then user may choose
> Husband, Wife, or even child...which is so wrong.
> My plan is creating an object RelationshipGroup, which should be based on
> the age...
> Anyway, because we are late for releasing this version in India. so hard
> code for now is the only solution. I will continue working on this, so
> ...please don't worry...
> * System generated identifier :
> I looked at the id_gen module from OpenMRS. Well , they have a whole module
> for this which has many functionality for manage system auto generated
> identifier.
> I can not have enough time for getting all of that. So what I did is just
> get a piece of code that is used for generate a check digit for the ID.
> The format that Indian team chose is :
> [BirthDate][Gender][XXXXXX][checkdigit]

Encoding the birthdate and gender into a patient identifier is
considered bad practice.  Using the orgunit+random digits would be
much better.  It shouldn't matter if the patient "migrates".  The
number was simply issued by a particular facility.


> BirthDate : yyyyMMdd
> Gender : Male  = 1 ; Female = 0
> XXXXXX : a random number  with length = 6   ( 0 - 999999 )
> checkdigit :  generated using Luhn Algorithm ( thanks to OpenMRS guys )
> I also changed the way that Abyot generate the birthdate from age ( when
> user only enter age ) .
> It is :    todayCalendar.add( Calendar.YEAR, -1 * age );
> What Abyot did is
>           todayCalendar.set( Calendar.DATE, 1 );
>           todayCalendar.set( Calendar.MONTH, Calendar.JANUARY );
>           todayCalendar.add( Calendar.YEAR, -1 * age );
> Because we generate the id base on birthdate , get current date should be
> better.
> Hope this is ok for Abyot....
> Each country will have different formats...so I think for current we just
> can change code when implementing in the country. Building a module for this
> would take time....
> Finally,  but almost those things only follow India 's requirements.
> Please give comment then we can try to make it more generic...
> Regards,
> Viet Nguyen

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