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Re: Define week start day for Weekly periods


Dear Lars,

I don't know how many week types are out there but I assume the most common
combinations are diffrent start days of the week + the number of days
"needed" in the "new year" to qualify this week to the "new Year". The most
common will be the same rule like for ISO weeks, 4 days in the new year
will determine that this week belongs to the new year, OR  1 day touching
the new year is sufficient to qualify for the new year.

For weekly data you would of course like to see (e.g. on a charts or
tables) Week 53 Year 2010, Week 1 2011 ....
For this to happen the information needs to be stored in DHIS / or
calculated on the fly which week is a specific date (e.g. start date of the
It would be best if for weekly collected data there could eb the option to
dislpaly by "date" or by Week-Year (Week 53 Year 2010, Week 01 Year 2011
For the aggregation  the data could also be aggregated - e.g. for the Year
- there would be the possibility to choose aggregation by WEEK-YEAR or the
actual dates.
The WEEK-YEAR aggregation would make sense to show the total for the
different Years.
The "date" manipulation would be needed for e.g. time series analysis ...

The configuration of the start and end date and the week + Year is of
course possible with a static table(s) which can be filled for several
years in the past and in the future.
Nevertheless the question of course reamins how this can be handled in the
anlysis  / aggregation.

I hope ther are some ideas how this can be implemented as I don't want to
that this is the reason to take DHIS.

Thank you,


On 2 July 2013 14:09, Lars Helge Øverland <larshelge@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Hello Johannes,
> the way we handle time period aggregation is simple: When aggregating in
> the time dimension, we include all periods which start dates fall within
> the aggregation period. As an example, when aggregating monthly data to a
> quarterly aggregate, we include all months which start dates fall within
> that quarter. This usually works well but is admittedly not ideal for
> weeks, where you might want more specialized rules for determining whether
> a week falls within a "longer" period or not.
> At the moment, the design of our period solution allows only for fixed
> period types, in the sense that you can select from a predefined lists of
> period types; you cannot select "weekly" and then start day of week.
> It seems you have two requirements. i) Displaying correct Cambodian weekly
> start/end dates in data entry and ii) have the time period aggregation work
> correctly in terms of which weeks get included in aggregation periods.
> Correct?
> I think we have two options here. The first is to allow more flexibility
> in terms of period starting days and which day of week determines which
> year a week falls within. This would require a bit development work. The
> second is to implement more predefined period types, ie. "Weekly
> (Wednesday)". The issue with this is that we might end up with 7 different
> weekly period types. Anyone knows how many types of weeks there are out
> there?
> regards,
> Lars
