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Message #03491
Re: Testing DHIS2 - Problem while retrieving data
It is far from clear but most clearly alluded to here.
"3.2.4. Organisation unit level
Here you specify a contextual name for each level in the hierarchy, e.g.
"Country", "Province", "District", "Health Facility", and these names will
be used all over the application where levels are referred to. This page
will take some time to load if the orgunit hierarchy is very big."
The reason it takes so long to load,is because the orgunit levels are being
determined each time this page is loaded. And yes, pressing "Save" is
-Sent from my mobile
On Dec 9, 2013 5:12 PM, "Knut Staring" <knutst@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Do the docs highlight well the fact that you HAVE to explicitly save the
> orgunit levels? It is not very intiutive. I always do it, because I know I
> cannot get GIS etc to work without it, but I've certainly forgotten to do
> it myself. It should be part of "Getting started".
> It is alluded to implicitly, but hidden in a lot of bla bla here:
> http://www.dhis2.org/doc/snapshot/en/implementer/html/ch03s03.html#d5e150
> http://www.dhis2.org/doc/snapshot/en/user/html/ch14.html#d5e1630
> On Mon, Dec 9, 2013 at 3:38 PM, Jason Pickering <
> jason.p.pickering@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> It is a quirk in the way that the orgunitlevel table is generated.When
>> you access it through the user interface the new level is generated. After
>> that, the analytics process must be run again.
>> Regards,
>> Jason
>> --Sent from my mobile
>> On Dec 9, 2013 4:04 PM, "Ilias Dine" <ilias.dine@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> Thanks Adebusoye. It helps me fix this problem too.
>>> What is curious is that I created then a second sublevel organization
>>> unit, inserted data through data entry for this ou, ran the analytics, and
>>> nothing came out for this second ou...
>>> I applied the same process you described and it worked.
>>> Is it because there is a space in the level name ?
>>> Or is there something we missed ?
>>> 2013/12/9 Adebusoye Anifalaje <busoyetolu@xxxxxxxxx>
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I have had this problem in the past. The following helped:
>>>> 1) Go to Maintenance -> Organisation Unit
>>>> 2) Select Organisation Unit Level
>>>> 3) You will see you Levels (1, 2, 3 etc) and Level Name (Level 1,
>>>> Level 2 etc)
>>>> 4) Change the level names to either 1,2, 3 etc or National, Province,
>>>> District etc
>>>> 5) Rerun Analytics
>>>> These steps have helped to deal with this issue in the past. Hope you
>>>> find it useful.
>>>> Best regards,
>>>> Busoye
>>>> On 9 Dec 2013, at 10:39, Ilias Dine <ilias.dine@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>> No. There is nothing showing up. A look at the log gives this error
>>>> message while attempting to display reports:
>>>> * INFO 2013-12-09 13:27:52,808 Query failed, likely because the
>>>> requested analytics table does not exist (JdbcAnalyticsManager.java
>>>> [SimpleAsyncTaskExecutor-2])
>>>> org.springframework.jdbc.BadSqlGrammarException: StatementCallback; bad
>>>> SQL grammar [select "de","daily","uidlevel1", sum(value) as value from
>>>> analytics_2013 where "de" in ('LXRTj3PA8JB') and "daily" in ('20131207')
>>>> and "uidlevel1" in ('Jgk0dC2ysx1') group by "de","daily","uidlevel1"];
>>>> nested exception is org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: column «
>>>> uidlevel1 » doesn't exist
>>>> Seems like the problem is still with analytics_2013. At first, before
>>>> running analytics, the error were no analytics_2013 table. Now it is with
>>>> uidlevel1 column.
>>>> Below is the description of the analytics_2013 table under my postgres
>>>> database:
>>>> dhis2=> \d analytics_2013
>>>> Table "public.analytics_2013"
>>>> Column | Type | Modifiers
>>>> ----------------+-----------------------+-----------
>>>> daily | character varying(10) |
>>>> weekly | character varying(10) |
>>>> monthly | character varying(10) |
>>>> bimonthly | character varying(10) |
>>>> quarterly | character varying(10) |
>>>> sixmonthly | character varying(10) |
>>>> yearly | character varying(10) |
>>>> financialapril | character varying(10) |
>>>> financialjuly | character varying(10) |
>>>> financialoct | character varying(10) |
>>>> de | character(11) | not null
>>>> co | character(11) | not null
>>>> level | integer |
>>>> daysxvalue | double precision |
>>>> daysno | integer | not null
>>>> value | double precision |
>>>> Indexes:
>>>> "in_co_analytics_temp_2013_funkwriazlc" btree (co)
>>>> "in_de_analytics_temp_2013_d5ld7ghglkc" btree (de)
>>>> "in_level_analytics_temp_2013_whuwwsoenp9" btree (level)
>>>> And I can't see uidlevel1 column in fact...
>>>> 2013/12/9 Knut Staring <knutst@xxxxxxxxx>
>>>>> Do your data show up in GIS, PIvot Tables or Data Visualizer?
>>>>> On Sun, Dec 8, 2013 at 7:00 PM, Ilias Dine <ilias.dine@xxxxxxxxx>wrote:
>>>>>> Hi
>>>>>> Did it but still nothing on report.
>>>>>> If this can help figure out what's going on:
>>>>>> - In data administrator -- data browser, when selecting period daily,
>>>>>> begin and end dates covering the entry periods, browse by __organization
>>>>>> unit___ then selecting the root organization unit, I can see the values
>>>>>> appearing on the result page
>>>>>> - But when browsing by __data sets__, there is no result
>>>>>> I note also that : when selecting organization unit in browser type,
>>>>>> a contextual select menu for organization units appears; no contextual
>>>>>> select menu for data sets appears when choosing to browse by data set. Is
>>>>>> this normal ?
>>>>>> 2013/12/8 Lars Helge Øverland <larshelge@xxxxxxxxx>
>>>>>>> Hi there,
>>>>>>> go to data admin, resource tables and generate the resource tables
>>>>>>> there.
>>>>>>> Then run analytics again, and verify that the process completes
>>>>>>> successfully.
>>>>>>> The first step happens automatically for scheduled analytics
>>>>>>> processes, but not for ad-hoc. I think we could include a check in the
>>>>>>> first situation and generate them if not existing at all.
>>>>>>> Lars
>>>>>>> On Dec 7, 2013 2:47 PM, "Ilias Dine" <ilias.dine@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>>>>> OK.
>>>>>>>> Here is the result of the query to the database
>>>>>>>> dhis2=> select dataelementid, periodid, sourceid, value from
>>>>>>>> datavalue;
>>>>>>>> dataelementid | periodid | sourceid | value
>>>>>>>> ---------------+----------+----------+-------
>>>>>>>> 49 | 51 | 48 | 1
>>>>>>>> 49 | 52 | 48 | 2
>>>>>>>> 49 | 53 | 48 | 5
>>>>>>>> (3 rows)
>>>>>>>> The values correspond to what has been set with data entry. But
>>>>>>>> they still don't appear in the dataset report...
>>>>>>>> 2013/12/7 Knut Staring <knutst@xxxxxxxxx>
>>>>>>>>> The data will be in datavalues
>>>>>>>>> 7. des. 2013 14:02 skrev "Ilias Dine" <ilias.dine@xxxxxxxxx>
>>>>>>>>> følgende:
>>>>>>>>> Hi
>>>>>>>>>> I'm testing DHIS2, the installation on ubuntu following the guide
>>>>>>>>>> was
>>>>>>>>>> ok. I then tried to add data elements and visualize them with the
>>>>>>>>>> reports but couldn't get this work. I even tried to add one
>>>>>>>>>> simple data
>>>>>>>>>> element (named element A, value type: number, aggregation
>>>>>>>>>> operator: sum
>>>>>>>>>> - as default), then defined a data set (named collect, frequency:
>>>>>>>>>> daily)
>>>>>>>>>> and associated the data element A to it. An organization unit
>>>>>>>>>> named root
>>>>>>>>>> has been created and associated to this data set. Through the
>>>>>>>>>> data entry
>>>>>>>>>> form I added some values for 4 days. I can see them when
>>>>>>>>>> selecting back
>>>>>>>>>> the periods. But when I go to reports - dataset reports, there is
>>>>>>>>>> no
>>>>>>>>>> value linked to this data element A...
>>>>>>>>>> I tried with several examples, this last one were the simplest,
>>>>>>>>>> but I
>>>>>>>>>> still can not get any value with the report tools. A look at the
>>>>>>>>>> catalina.out log is showing me this line dealing with my report
>>>>>>>>>> query:
>>>>>>>>>> "nested exception in org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR:
>>>>>>>>>> Relation
>>>>>>>>>> "analytics_2013" doesn't exist"
>>>>>>>>>> I've just run Analytics and datasmart -- start exporting, as
>>>>>>>>>> suggested by Knut (thanks to him) but the situation is the same. I shall
>>>>>>>>>> also mention that when doing a reporting rate summary, I'm getting correct
>>>>>>>>>> rates corresponding to the number of data I added.
>>>>>>>>>> I'm using version 2.13. Any idea of what is going wrong ? Where
>>>>>>>>>> can I check in the postgresql database (which table to look in?) ?
>>>>>>>>>> Thanks for the help.
>>>>>>>>>> Regards
>>>>>>>>>> Ilias
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>>>>> --
>>>>> Knut Staring
>>>>> Dept. of Informatics, University of Oslo
>>>>> +4791880522
>>>>> http://dhis2.org
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> --
> Knut Staring
> Dept. of Informatics, University of Oslo
> +4791880522
> http://dhis2.org
Follow ups
Testing DHIS2 - Problem while retrieving data
From: Ilias Dine, 2013-12-07
Re: Testing DHIS2 - Problem while retrieving data
From: Knut Staring, 2013-12-07
Re: Testing DHIS2 - Problem while retrieving data
From: Ilias Dine, 2013-12-07
Re: Testing DHIS2 - Problem while retrieving data
From: Lars Helge Øverland, 2013-12-08
Re: Testing DHIS2 - Problem while retrieving data
From: Ilias Dine, 2013-12-08
Re: Testing DHIS2 - Problem while retrieving data
From: Knut Staring, 2013-12-09
Re: Testing DHIS2 - Problem while retrieving data
From: Ilias Dine, 2013-12-09
Re: Testing DHIS2 - Problem while retrieving data
From: Ilias Dine, 2013-12-09
Re: Testing DHIS2 - Problem while retrieving data
From: Jason Pickering, 2013-12-09
Re: Testing DHIS2 - Problem while retrieving data
From: Knut Staring, 2013-12-09