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I started to sketch the documentation required for our wiki. What I did so far is here:


This is just a layout for now. Let's discuss the structure, layout and coverage of the topics. I do not think even the sketch is complete. Please add your topics.

It might turn out that a single document is too large to browse and read easily. Also, we can use pages provided by other people. For example, there is a separate wiki for Citrix Receiver: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CitrixICAClientHowTo - it might be better to correct specific pages than to re-write them under our page.

What are your ideas of presenting the content?

On the article coverage, I can give content to Auth/SSSD Auth/LDAP+Krb5, a couple of notes for Auth/Likewise CM/CFEngine3 Package/auto-upgrades Services/Firewall Autoinstall/Preseeding Email/Exchange Other/SunJava6 Other/MSTTF Other/Adobe* Remote/Citrix. Do we have competences in the group to fill the rest of it? Did I miss any points?

I hope to get your opinions/feedback on this before proceeding.


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