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Re: Tutorial about IPC-7531A



Looking at an entry for a BGA below (wrapped) from BGA7351B.plb09

  BGA;1;0 1 4 1 4 1 26 3 7 1 3 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 3 1 7 3 26 1 4
      1 4 1;0;50000;11;50000;11;100;30000;0;0;0;600000;600000;600000;
      600000;100000 <Stg_Pf dflt="1" fb_tol="0.025" pl_tol="0.025"
      ball_sz="0" ball_pct="-20" var_p="0" var_m="0.05" xy_rnd="0.05"
      cyd_xs="1" env="0" sm_os="0" pm_cal="0" pm_os_x="0"
      pm_os_pct="100" asy_lnd="-1"/><Glbl_Pf units="0" h_in_nm="1"
      usr_sfx="USR"/><Rl_Pf dflt="1" g_mn="0.2" silk_mn="0.25"
      Web_mn="0.075"/><Drft_Pf dflt="1" silk_ln_w="0.2" silk_txt_h="1.5"
      silk_txt_r="10" asy_ln_w="0.1" asy_txt_h_mn="0.5"
      asy_txt_h_mx="1.5" asy_txt_r="10" cy_ln_w="0.05" x_on_cy="1"
      bdy_ln_w="0.001" sm_tab_os="0" pm_tab_os_pct="40"/><Land
      sw_ver="2009.10" bld_dt="02/04/2009" c="5" x="0.25" y="0.25"
      v="8"><f_stk name="c100m200k200"/><p_stks><dflt name="c25"
      shp="c"/></p_stks></Land>	BGA100C50P11X11_600X600X100 BGA,0.50mm
      pitch,square;100 pin,11 columns X 11 rows,6.00mm X 6.00mm X
      1.00mm H	

Many of the XML'ish attributes appear self-explanatory: (all decimal
units appear to be in MM, and integer units are 10 nanometers.  These
probably correspond to fields in the calculator.

     dflt="1" <- default is pin 1?
     pl_tol="0.025" <- placement tolerance?
     ball_sz="0" <- ball size adjustment?
     cyd_xs="1" <- courtyard excess?
     env="0" <- 1,2,3 for M/N/L
     sm_os="0" <- soldermask oversize (delta)? (1:1)
     pm_cal="0" <- pastemask (something)?
     pm_os_x="0" <- pastemask oversize x-axis (delta)? (1:1)
     pm_os_pct="100" <- pastemask opening size in percent? (1:1)
     asy_lnd="-1" <- assembly land
     units="0" <- units metric?
     h_in_nm="1" <- height in nanometers?
     usr_sfx="USR" <- user defined land name suffix?
     g_mn="0.2" <- some sort of minimum?
     silk_mn="0.25" <- silkscreen margin?
     Web_mn="0.075" <- some (soldermask?) web margin?
     silk_ln_w="0.2" <- silkscreen line width?
     silk_txt_h="1.5" <- silkscreen text height?
     silk_txt_r="10" <- silksceen text something else?
     asy_ln_w="0.1" <- assembly line width?
     asy_txt_h_mn="0.5" <- assembly text height minimum?
     asy_txt_h_mx="1.5" <- assembly text height maximum?
     asy_txt_r="10" <- assembly text heigth something else?
     cy_ln_w="0.05" <- courtyard line width?
     x_on_cy="1" <- excess on courtyard?
     bdy_ln_w="0.001" <- body line width?
     sm_tab_os="0" <- soldermask tab over size?
     pm_tab_os_pct="40" <- paste mask opening size in percent?
     sw_ver="2009.10" <- software version?
     bld_dt="02/04/2009" <- build date?
     c="5" <- land calc parm for equations
     x="0.25" <- land calc parm for equations
     y="0.25" <- land calc parm for equations
     v="8" <- land calc parm for equations
     <f_stk name="c100m200k200"/> <- stack name?
     <p_stks> <- pad stacks?
         name="c25" <- default name (4x25 is A1 through C25)
         shp="c" <- pad shape is circle (this code is in IPC-7351)

What is hard to figure out is this first part:

  BGA; <- specifies format of following fields...
      1; <- ????
      0 1 4 1 4 1 26 3 7 1 3 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 3 1 7 3 26 1 4
        1 4 1; <- some way of spec'ing the 21 missing balls in the grid?
      0; <- ????
      50000; <- row pitch in nm?
      11; <- number of rows?
      50000; <- col pitch in nm?
      11; <- number of cols?
      100; <- number of pads?
      30000; <- ????
      0; <- ????
      0; <- ????
      0; <- ????
      600000; <- min x-size in nm
      600000; <- min y-size in nm
      600000; <- max x-size in nm
      600000; <- max y-size in nm
      100000 <- height in nm

Well, that's the idea anyway....


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