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Re: 3D-Viewer new rendering and contributions.


2014-07-30 20:29 GMT+02:00 jp charras <jp.charras@xxxxxxxxxx>:
> Le 30/07/2014 19:48, Mário Luzeiro a écrit :
>> Hi Nick,
> ...
>>> I have problems with an older design, where the models are offset
>>> way too much. Some unit problem?
>> I notice in some models that I got in the web (ex: Walter) (you can
>> see in my first screenshots, in the SMD resistors) that they have
>> added some offset in Z coord. You see that they are "levitate" in the
>> PCB board. I dont know why they added it. Also IMPORTANT: I added now
>> in VRML 2 the capability to parse transformation data (rotation,
>> scale, scaleOrientation, center.. ) As Cirilo Bernardo pointed
>> correctly, If the code is implemented correctly and the problem are
>> in the model files, so the model files should be fixed. Check in your
>> model files for the "Transform" tag and see if they have
>> transformation data. If you have that Transform, you can remove it
>> (whatever makes sense to you / your model)
> I also saw it.
> Looks like a unit issue.
> For an historical reason, offset is given in inch.
> Seems the conversion to internal units is not good.
> To see this issue, just edit a 3d shape parameters of any footprint on a
> board.
> If you want an offset = 0.1 inch (easy to test with a DIP package), you
> need to enter 0.1/25.4

I just tried that, witht he big connector, it was still about a board
thickness way, but I guess that could just be roundoff errors by
divide by 25.4.

Also to note is that the two JST-XH connectors and the two Molex pin
headers are upside down.
