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Re: Config file relocation (patch 5)


Le 04/09/2014 15:44, Moses McKnight a écrit :
Interesting! I don't have a .SchematicFrame file and haven't seen one,
but looking at the code I see that eeschema tries to read hotkey
configs from that file:  ReadHotkeyConfig( wxT("SchematicFrame"),
s_Eeschema_Hokeys_Descr );

In fact you don't have that file by default, but it is created/written when you change your hotkeys settings.

You also have its little brother .PcbFrame wich stores pcbnew hotkeys. Same thing : it appears only when you change hotkeys. I thought there where stored in the same file as eeschema, but I just found out this other file...

Well in fact after checking you also have .LibeditFrame for library editor, .GerberFrame for gerbview, and .PlEditorFram for pleditor. Strangely, the module editor have no "preferences" menu, so no way to edit hotkeys. But it may need a look to the code to see if there is a similar mechanism just waiting for a menu entry to be alive ?
