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Re: Rename proposal


On 9/10/2014 1:12 PM, Lorenzo Marcantonio wrote:
> On Wed, Sep 10, 2014 at 05:49:27PM +0100, Brian Sidebotham wrote:
>> Fair enough, I disagree and this just over-complicates things
>> needlessly in my opinion. You'll have to track all of the layers that
>> we're going to allow text to appear on in a module and limit the layer
>> selector to that range and duplicate that in all the functions that
>> have to deal with this - it's just more assumptions that end in
>> disaster or limited functionality in the end.
>> My opinion - just allow module text on any layer. Give the module
>> designer flexibility. That way we don't need more special cases, and
>> functions do what they say on the tin without needing
>> IgnoreModuleTextsOnFrontIfOnSilkOrFabOrAdhesOrWhatever()
> After all this... actually we *are* going to allow text in modules on
> every layer (except for copper probably), so it's going to be as you are
> saying now.
> The discussion was *only* for the picker/collector which is initialized
> by the user view controls (layers and visibles).
> Practical example: I have a module with text on B_Fab. This module is on
> the back, so the module's layer is B_Cu. Since it's been flipped the
> text actually appears on F_Fab.
> However:
> - If the user has disabled bottom modules it shouldn't appear/be picked,
>   since it's from a flipped module;
> - If the user has disabled front text it shouldn't appear/be picked,
>   since F_Fab (the resulting layer) is on the front;
> - If the user has disabled F_Fab it shouldn't appear/be picked since the
>   text layer is disabled.
> That's only for *user* text. Rules for reference/value are (in the same
> use case)
> - If the user has disabled bottom modules it shouldn't appear/be picked,
>   since it's from a flipped module; (same as before)
> - If the user has disabled *back* text it shouldn't appear/be picked,
>   since B_Silk (the resulting layer flipping the implicit F_Silk) is on
>   the back;
> - Even if you disable B_Silk it's still shown... because it always
>   worked that way :D 
> Reference and value are special enough to have different rules. You can
> only hide them disabling the corresponding module side or the
> corresponding module text.

Perhaps we should define the layer behavior for footprint text and
non-footprint text first and then make the code match the behavior.  It
seems to me once you have the behavior defined, the code should be
fairly straight forward.  I guess the real question is do we want to
keep the current text layer behavior or do we want to design something
that is more flexible?

Follow ups
